
William Barr’s ‘Impeccable Reputation’

Barr ‘Is A Known Quantity, A Man Of The Highest Integrity And Character’ Who Has Served At The Highest Levels Of The Justice Department


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: “Having previously served as Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush, Mr. Barr is a known quantity, a man of the highest integrity and character, and has an impeccable reputation.  He will provide a strong and steady hand to the fine men and women at the Department of Justice.” (Sen. Graham, Press Release, 12/07/2018)

SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Outgoing Judiciary Committee Chairman: “Bill Barr is a talented, well-respected lawyer who has been committed to public service over the course of his long career. His compelling credentials and experience, serving at the highest levels in both government—including as a former attorney general under President George H.W. Bush—and in the private sector, make him more than well-qualified to lead the Department of Justice again.” (Senate Judiciary Committee, Press Release, 12/07/2018)


‘No Stranger To The Job,’ Barr Has Significant Justice Department Experience

“William Barr, the man President Donald Trump has nominated to be his next attorney general, is no stranger to the job. He's been attorney general before -- under President George H. W. Bush. And in that position, he once oversaw Robert Mueller, the current special counsel, when he headed up the Justice Department's Criminal Division.” (“William Barr: Everything You Need To Know About Trump's Possible Next Attorney General,” ABC News, 12/07/2018)

“Bill served as the 77th Attorney General of the United States from 1991 to 1993 under President George H.W. Bush and, prior to that, as the Deputy Attorney General (1990–1991) and as Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Office of Legal Counsel (1989–1990).” (“William P. Barr,” Kirkland & Ellis Website, Accessed 1/10/2019)

  • “At the Department of Justice, Bill established innovative programs to combat violent crime and set significant new enforcement policies in a wide range of areas, including financial institutions, civil rights, and antitrust merger guidelines. He led the Department’s response to the S&L crisis; oversaw the investigation of the Pan Am 103 bombing; directed the successful suppression of the Talladega prison uprising and hostage taking; and coordinated counter-terrorism activities during the First Gulf War.” (“William P. Barr,” Kirkland & Ellis Website, Accessed 1/10/2019)
  • “Bill received a law degree with highest honors from George Washington University in 1977 and then served as law clerk to Judge Malcolm Wilkey of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. From 1982 to 1983, he served on the White House Domestic Policy Staff under President Reagan …” (“William P. Barr,” Kirkland & Ellis Website, Accessed 1/10/2019)

Barr Was Confirmed By The Senate To 3 High-Level Justice Department Positions With No Opposition

In 1989, the Senate confirmed William Barr to be an Assistant Attorney General by unanimous consent. (PN196, 101st Congress)

In 1990, the Senate confirmed William Barr to be Deputy Attorney General by unanimous consent. (PN1310, 101st Congress)

In 1991 the Senate confirmed William Barr to be Attorney General by voice vote. (PN734, 102nd Congress)


Barr Also Has Long Experience Responding To Congressional Oversight; Democrats Described Him As ‘Harmonious’ And ‘Cooperative’

“Barr arrived in Washington to work for the CIA the day after he was married in 1973…. Barr later transferred to the CIA's legislative affairs unit during the tense period when special Senate and House committees were investigating the agency's activities, particularly those that seemed to exceed the CIA's charter. At age 27, Barr was helping to carry out some of the agency's most delicate domestic relations.” (“Barr: Conservative With 'Political Savvy' Is on Fast Track,” Los Angeles Times, 10/17/1991)

THEN-SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN JOE BIDEN (D-DE): “Mr. Barr, you have appeared before this committee twice before, each time winning confirmation to a position within the Department of Justice for which you were appointed. As Deputy Attorney General and more recently as Acting Attorney General, you have had substantial contact with this committee. From my personal perspective, the contact has been harmonious, and you have always been cooperative.” (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 11/12/1991)



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