
There’s No There There

William Barr: ‘Having Appointed And Supervised Three Special Counsels Myself While Attorney General … It Is Vitally Important That The Special Counsel Be Permitted To Finish His Work’


WILLIAM BARR: “[My] memorandum did not address –or in any way question—the Special Counsel’s core investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Indeed, I have known Bob Mueller personally and professionally for 30 years, and I have the utmost respect for him and the important work he is doing. Having appointed and supervised three special counsels myself while Attorney General, I understand the country needs a credible and thorough investigation into Russia’s efforts to meddle in our democratic process, including the extent to which any Americans were involved. For this reason, it is vitally important that the Special Counsel be permitted to finish his work. I will carry out the Special Counsel regulations scrupulously and in good faith, and I will allow Bob to complete his work.” (William P. Barr, Letter to Sen. Feinstein, 1/10/2019)

“President Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general will tell senators at his confirmation hearing ‘it is vitally important’ that special counsel Robert Mueller be allowed to complete his Russia investigation, according to prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press on Monday. ‘I believe it is in the best interest of everyone — the President, Congress, and, most importantly, the American people - that this matter be resolved by allowing the Special Counsel to complete his work,’ Barr will say.” (“Trump’s AG Nominee: ‘Vitally Important’ Mueller Finish Work,” The Associated Press, 1/14/2019)


Judiciary Committee Members: Barr Sees ‘No Reason For Mr. Mueller To Stop Doing His Job And Is Committed To Allowing Mr. Mueller To Finish’

“Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said after meeting with Barr, who led the Justice Department under President George H.W. Bush, that Barr has a ‘high opinion’ of Mueller…. ‘He had absolutely no indication he was going to tell Bob Mueller what to do or how to do it,’ Graham said Wednesday.” (“Graham Says Barr Expressed Confidence In Special Counsel,” The Associated Press, 1/10/2019)

  • “Barr told both Republican and Democratic senators that he will allow Mueller’s investigation ‘to conclude, to reach its natural investigation unhindered,’ committee member Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.) said after his meeting with Barr.” (The Washington Post, 1/10/2019)

“Graham said Barr also told him about his longtime relationship with Mueller. Barr and Mueller worked together when Barr was Bush’s attorney general from 1991 to 1993 and Mueller oversaw the department’s criminal division. Graham said that the two men were ‘best friends,’ that their wives attended Bible study together and that Mueller had attended the weddings of Barr’s children. ‘So his opinion of Mr. Mueller is very, very high in terms of ethics and character and professionalism,’ Graham said.” (“Graham Says Barr Expressed Confidence In Special Counsel,” The Associated Press, 1/10/2019)



Related Issues: Law Enforcement, Russia, Nominations