
Progressives In Congress Defend The Scandal-Plagued FDIC Chair To Protect Their Regulatory Agenda

Putting Their Ideological Agenda Above Good Governance, Workplace Safety, And President Biden’s Pledge To ‘Fire’ Officials ‘On The Spot’ For Workplace Misconduct, Far-Left Democrats Are Defending And Making Excuses For The Embattled FDIC Chairman, Despite Scathing Findings About Toxic Workplace Culture At The Agency

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC), Senate Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committee Ranking Member: “An organization’s culture is set from the top. It’s clear the FDIC, its mission, and most importantly, its employees, have all suffered under Chairman Gruenberg’s leadership – this report underscores that fact. It’s time for Chairman Gruenberg to resign so the FDIC can move forward with the leadership it deserves and desperately needs to ensure employees and the important work of this agency are supported. Given the Chairman’s nearly two decades in leadership at the FDIC, the findings of this report cannot be separated from his actions.” (U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committee Ranking Member, Press Release, 5/07/2024)

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: “Democrats are now scrambling to save Martin Gruenberg after he presided over a culture of bullying and harassment as chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Specifically, they’ve been working behind the scenes to prep Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s protege so he can survive hearings in Congress this week. Mr. Gruenberg is likely to be grilled, as he should be, about last week’s damning report from an independent law firm on his personal behavior and management failures. The report by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton describes a culture in which some 10% of employees complained of abusive treatment.” (Editorial, “Operation Save Marty Gruenberg,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/14/2024)

·       “Democrats are hoping that if [Gruenberg] can get through this week the FDIC report will be forgotten and he can survive to keep doing their policy bidding. The hypocrisy could be world class.” (Editorial, “Operation Save Marty Gruenberg,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/14/2024)


Republicans In Congress Have Called On FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg To Resign Multiple Times As Scandals Unfolded

SENS. TIM SCOTT, THOM TILLIS (R-NC), CYTHIA LUMMUS (R-WY), KEVIN CRAMER (R-ND), and STEVE DAINES (R-MT): “The allegations detailed in these press reports are deeply disturbing and unacceptable at any workplace, let alone a federal agency. The FDIC needs to take swift action and ensure complete accountability for any and all perpetrators of harassment and discrimination at the agency. As Chairman and Board Member, your position demands that these concerns be addressed. However, given the fact that these incidents appear to have occurred during your tenure as Chairman, Acting Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Board Member, we unfortunately lack confidence in your ability to correct a toxic culture that, for all intents and purposes, thrived during your long tenure leading the agency. Furthermore, according to these reports, both you and your top deputies ‘have been involved in decisions over high-level examples of alleged sexism, harassment, and racial discrimination in which the agency didn’t take a hard line with individuals accused of misconduct,’ allowing the culture of harassment and discrimination to persist and flourish. As a leader, you bear an ethical and professional responsibility to those you serve to ensure a safe and respectful workplace. Accordingly, we are disturbed to learn that, while leading the agency, you reportedly personally ‘built a reputation for bullying and for having an explosive temper,’ culminating in at least one investigation against you after you angrily berated a female FDIC employee while you were Vice Chairman. The culture of an organization is set from the top. As such, we have significant concerns with your ability to continue leading the FDIC as it seeks to clean up its public image and provide much-needed changes to its workplace culture to return the FDIC to working order. Given the importance of the role of the FDIC in maintaining stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system, we call on you to step down as Chairman and Board Member and allow someone with more credibility to address the hostile workplace culture at the FDIC to which you have contributed.” (Sens. Scott, Tillis, Lummis, Cramer, and Daines, Letter to FDIC Chairman Gruenberg, 12/07/2023)

SEN. TIM SCOTT: “Your decision to disregard a Congressional inquiry regarding credible claims of harassment and a hostile workplace environment that reportedly occurred under your leadership is completely unacceptable. It also demonstrates a concerning lack of transparency and disregard for Congressional oversight. Moreover, your failure to respond and comply with this straightforward request shows an unwillingness to ensure accountability at the agency you lead. The FDIC needs a leader who is willing to address the troubling reports of the agency’s toxic workplace culture by embracing transparency, accepting responsibility, and holding bad actors accountable. Regrettably, your actions to date raise serious concerns about your willingness and ability to correct these grave workplace issues that appear to have flourished for decades under your leadership. As such, I reiterate my call for you to step down as Chairman and Board Member.” (Sen. Scott, Letter to FDIC Chairman Gruenberg, 3/10/2024)

“Senate Banking Committee Ranking Member Tim Scott (R-S.C.) told Gruenberg he should resign during a phone call with the chair [Tuesday] morning.” (Punchbowl News PM, 5/14/2024)

“Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), a member of the Banking Committee, said in a statement [November 16th] that ‘it’s clear that there have been major leadership failures at the top that have allowed this behavior to go unchecked.’ ‘Marty Gruenberg should resign,’ he added. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), who also serves on the panel, sent Gruenberg a letter urging the same. ‘As a result of these troubling reports and your apparent unwillingness to address them, I call for your resignation so a new chair can restore the professional culture at the FDIC that the American people expect,’ Kennedy wrote.” (“Embattled FDIC Chair Gruenberg Faces GOP Pressure To Resign,” Politico, 11/16/2023)

“Sen. Joni Ernst (R., Iowa) called for Biden to order the Justice Department to investigate the agency ‘top to bottom.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “‘After today’s report, no one can deny the depth of the FDIC cesspool that I have been sounding the alarm on for months,’ Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said in a statement. ‘The culture Chairman Martin Gruenberg has allowed and perpetuated at the FDIC for over a decade is a failure of leadership and a degradation of humanity.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN PATRICK McHENRY (R-NC): “It’s time for Chair Gruenberg to step aside. The independent report released today details his inexcusable behavior and makes clear new leadership is needed at the FDIC. This report confirms the toxic workplace culture at the FDIC—which starts at the top—has led to entrenched and widespread misconduct at the agency. The FDIC must be held to the same standards of conduct it imposes on the entities it regulates.” (U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, Press Release, 5/07/2024)


But Far-Left Democrats Have Defended Gruenberg And Refused To Call For His Resignation

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: “White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre ducked and covered when asked if Mr. Biden still had confidence in Mr. Gruenberg. She said Mr. Gruenberg had apologized and promised to follow the recommendations in the audit…. Mr. Biden promoted Mr. Gruenberg to chairman in 2022 at the urging of Sen. Warren and others on the left. ‘I applaud President Biden’s decision to nominate Martin Gruenberg to lead the FDIC,’ Ms. Warren said at the time. ‘He has spent his entire career fighting for American consumers, and he is well equipped to continue defending the banking system from new and existing threats.’ Yet Ms. Warren, like Mr. Biden, is giving Mr. Gruenberg a pass now. ‘Chair Gruenberg has accepted responsibility, and I support his work to implement the action plan to improve the FDIC’s culture,’ she said, according to the American Banker. She must believe that harassing banks is more important than protecting employees from harassment. If the agency were run by a Trump appointee, she’d be leading a street protest with a bullhorn.” (Editorial, “Where’s the Outrage Over the FDIC?,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/08/2024)

·       [Sen. Warren is] probably afraid that if Mr. Gruenberg is forced out, the chairmanship would fall to Vice Chairman Travis Hill, a Republican. The bank regulator is supposed to be run in a bipartisan fashion but has demonstrated marked hostility to banks under Mr. Gruenberg and his fellow FDIC board member Rohit Chopra, who is also a Warren protectorate…. Even when there’s a long and specific report demonstrating mismanagement and an abusive culture, it stirs nothing more than a yawn if the offenders are Democrats in good progressive standing.” (Editorial, “Where’s the Outrage Over the FDIC?,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/08/2024)

‘Progressive Allies So Far Are Standing By Gruenberg’

“Top financial services Democrats like Sens. Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) are all backing Gruenberg.” (“Dems Grapple With A Nasty FDIC Report,” Punchbowl News, 5/08/2024)

·       “Warren told us Tuesday night that Gruenberg was ‘clearly committed to accepting the recommendations of the independent investigation and to make changes at the FDIC.’” (“Dems Grapple With A Nasty FDIC Report,” Punchbowl News, 5/08/2024)

·       “In an interview, Waters acknowledged some ‘legitimate criticism about management overall for some period of time.’ But asked if Gruenberg should resign, the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee replied ‘Oh no. No, no, no.’ … Waters said: ‘Sounds like more mismanagement to me than misbehavior.’(“Dems Grapple With A Nasty FDIC Report,” Punchbowl News, 5/08/2024)

·       “Rep. Maxine Waters, the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, said it’s up to the FDIC how to proceed. ‘I don’t think there was anything really devastating on sexual harassment…’” (“‘Patriarchal, Insular, And Risk-Averse': FDIC Inquiry Finds Pervasive Sexual Harassment,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

Progressive allies so far are standing by Gruenberg. Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said he ‘must accept responsibility and must immediately work to make fundamental changes to the agency and its culture.’ Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told reporters she thought Gruenberg would be capable of implementing the recommendations from the independent investigation and had been ‘approaching it with the right attitude.’” (“Bracing For The Fallout From The FDIC Scandal,” Politico’s Morning Money, 5/08/2024)

“The Democratic leadership of the House Financial Services Committee is pitching its rank-and-file members on a defense of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chair Martin Gruenberg. [Punchbowl News] obtained a committee memo sent by Democratic staff that lays out the playbook for how some members, led by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), will attempt to defend Gruenberg …” (Punchbowl News PM, 5/14/2024)

Other Democrats Are Ducking Questions About Gruenberg

“Immediately after the report was published, GOP lawmakers—including the top Republicans on the Senate Banking and House Financial Services committees—called for Gruenberg to resign, while top Democrats remained largely quiet. Representatives for eight of the 12 Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee didn’t respond to requests for comment on the report. Gruenberg, himself a veteran staffer on the committee, has developed strong relationships with the panel’s Democrats over the years.” (“FDIC Chairman’s Future Hinges on High-Stakes Hearings,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/09/2024)

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: “If Mr. Gruenberg were a Republican, he’d be tarred and feathered on his way out of town. Yet … Democrats are silent or protective. That includes Democrats who have made a career of denouncing harassment and ill treatment…. Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto has said ‘I will always stand up for victims of sexual assault,’ but she’s quiet about Mr. Gruenberg. Montana Sen. Jon Tester has hailed anti-harassment policies at Veterans Affairs, but he seems to be giving the FDIC a pass. Both Democrats are on the Banking Committee, and we’ll see this week if they have the consistency to call for Mr. Gruenberg’s resignation.” (Editorial, “Operation Save Marty Gruenberg,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/14/2024)

‘White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Didn’t Directly Answer When Asked At A Briefing If Biden Still Had Confidence In Gruenberg’

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre didn’t directly answer when asked at a briefing if Biden still had confidence in Gruenberg. But she noted that the FDIC chief had ‘apologized and has committed to the recommendations’ in Tuesday’s report.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“Gruenberg, nominated by President Biden to lead the agency for a second term in 2022, joined the FDIC board in August 2005 and has led the agency for nearly 10 of the last 13 years. As a presidential nominee, he can only be pushed out by the president.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)


Why? ‘The Chair Of The FDIC Holds A Linchpin Vote For The Democratic Financial Policy Agenda,’ ‘The General’s At Risk’

‘Democrats Are Cognizant That The Whole Bank Regulatory Agenda Would Be Impaired If The Chairman Leaves’

AXIOS: “Bombshell FDIC report imperils Biden's financial reforms” (Axios, 5/10/2024)

·       “Gruenberg's fate hangs in the balance — along with the prospects for the Biden administration's financial regulatory agenda.” (“Bombshell FDIC Report Imperils Biden's Financial Reforms,” Axios, 5/10/2024)

·       “If Gruenberg steps down, it would leave the FDIC board deadlocked — with two Democrats and two Republicans. That would make it difficult for the agency to move forward on any kind of controversial rulemaking. ‘If Gruenberg steps down that is a major blow to the Biden administration's financial regulatory policy through the election,’ says Aaron Klein, a senior fellow at Brookings who focuses on financial regulation. ‘A 2-2 vote would stall and probably doom politically sensitive banking policy,’ per a note from Renaissance Macro Research.” (“Bombshell FDIC Report Imperils Biden's Financial Reforms,” Axios, 5/10/2024)

·       “If Gruenberg leaves, the White House won't get to choose an acting chair. Instead, that role would automatically go to Travis Hill, the vice chairman of the FDIC board and a Republican.” (“Bombshell FDIC Report Imperils Biden's Financial Reforms,” Axios, 5/10/2024)

“The chair of the FDIC holds a linchpin vote for the Democratic financial policy agenda. Major pieces of banking regulation — including Basel III capital reform and bank merger overhaul — need Gruenberg as a tie-breaking vote on the FDIC’s five-member board.” (“A Problem Like Marty,” Punchbowl News, 5/12/2024)

·       “The misconduct scandal swirling at the FDIC is threatening to derail a Washington crackdown on the biggest U.S. banks. FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg, who has been leading efforts to shore up large lenders, is facing growing calls for resignation.… Gruenberg’s potential exit — not a sure thing but a possibility — could scramble the path forward on a series of planned regulations …” (“‘The General’s At Risk': FDIC Controversy Threatens Plans To Rein In Wall Street,” Politico, 11/17/2023)

·       “One senior financial services lobbyist said it’s ‘brutal timing’ for the administration’s financial regulatory agenda. ‘You had a very strong Democratic front line there,’ said Michele Alt, a veteran bank regulator who’s now a partner at Klaros Group. ‘Suddenly, the general’s at risk.’” (“‘The General’s At Risk': FDIC Controversy Threatens Plans To Rein In Wall Street,” Politico, 11/17/2023)

“‘On the first question, Democrats are cognizant that the whole bank regulatory agenda would be impaired if the chairman leaves and that will almost certainly impact their political calculus,’ [BTIG Director of Policy Research Isaac] Boltansky said.” (“‘The General’s At Risk': FDIC Controversy Threatens Plans To Rein In Wall Street,” Politico, 11/17/2023)

·       “The optics are awkward for Democrats. Their calculus makes political sense — people [Morning Money] spoke with thought the timeline for confirming a new Democratic chair would take too long to be ideal for the regulatory agenda …” (“Bracing For The Fallout From The FDIC Scandal,” Politico’s Morning Money, 5/08/2024)

“Ousting Gruenberg would leave the agency’s Republican vice chairman in charge, jeopardizing the Biden administration’s efforts to complete new requirements for larger banks …” (“FDIC Chairman’s Future Hinges on High-Stakes Hearings,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/09/2024)

·       “Atop the doom list is the administration's proposal to beef up capital requirements for banks, which is already facing pushback from the industry and even some Democrats (it's expected to be revised), and a recent interagency proposal to curb bank executives' pay.” (“Bombshell FDIC Report Imperils Biden's Financial Reforms,” Axios, 5/10/2024)


‘Sexual Harassment, Bullying And Discrimination Have Long Pervaded The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., … According To A Blistering Report On The Agency’s Culture That Calls Into Question The Leadership Of Chairman Martin Gruenberg’

“The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. fostered a workplace rife with sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and other misconduct for years that management did little to stop, according to the findings of an independent investigation.” (“‘Patriarchal, Insular, And Risk-Averse': FDIC Inquiry Finds Pervasive Sexual Harassment,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

·       “Sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination have long pervaded the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., with perpetrators often receiving reassignments and even promotions, according to a blistering report on the agency’s culture that calls into question the leadership of Chairman Martin Gruenberg.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “The report … questioned whether FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg is the right person to lead those reforms, citing incidents of him ‘losing his temper and interacting with staff in a demeaning and inappropriate manner.’” (“‘Patriarchal, Insular, And Risk-Averse': FDIC Inquiry Finds Pervasive Sexual Harassment,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

“Some 97 people reported 145 incidents of sexual assaults, unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted touching and attention and other sexual conduct. Ninety-one additional people reported 141 incidents of gender or sexuality-based discrimination. Some 187 people reported 320 incidents of bullying, threats and other verbal abuse, and 191 people reported 295 incidents of other discrimination, including racial.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “The report, citing the FDIC’s own public reporting, said none of the 92 harassment complaints made from 2015 to 2023 through an anti-harassment program led to ‘removal, reductions in grade or pay, or any discipline more serious than a suspension.’” (“‘Patriarchal, Insular, And Risk-Averse': FDIC Inquiry Finds Pervasive Sexual Harassment,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

‘The 234-Page Report Includes Examples Of Brazen Misconduct’

“The 234-page report includes examples of brazen misconduct. Executives who were known for pursuing and having relationships with subordinates were promoted or moved to other regions or divisions rather than facing discipline.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       More than 500 agency employees detailed their experiences of misconduct as part of the outside investigation, which a special bipartisan committee of the FDIC’s board commissioned last year in response to a series of stories in The Wall Street Journal. Most of those individuals were current employees in the roughly 6,000-person workforce.” (“‘Patriarchal, Insular, And Risk-Averse': FDIC Inquiry Finds Pervasive Sexual Harassment,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

·       “The Journal reported that many female bank examiners quit as a result of such experiences.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“Investigators described the agency’s culture as ‘patriarchal, insular and risk-averse.’ Widespread fear of retaliation and a ‘lack of clarity and credibility around internal reporting channels’ have driven an underreporting of misconduct over the years, the report said.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“‘For far too many employees and for far too long, the FDIC has failed to provide a workplace safe from sexual harassment, discrimination, and other interpersonal misconduct,’ the report said of the agency…” (“‘Patriarchal, Insular, And Risk-Averse': FDIC Inquiry Finds Pervasive Sexual Harassment,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

·       “‘They deserve and demand a workplace free of sexual harassment, discrimination, and interpersonal misconduct,’ the report said. ‘But for too many, they do not have it.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“Problems with the agency’s culture have been raised internally, including to senior leadership, but their responses have been insufficient, the report said. One FDIC executive told the law firm that wrongdoers can expect that the FDIC will ‘pay, promote, or move them.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

‘Members Of The Special Committee That The FDIC Formed To Oversee The Probe Said … They Were Deeply Troubled By The Findings,’ With One Nonvoting Member Saying ‘The Accountability Recommendations In The Report Didn’t Go Far Enough’

“Members of the special committee that the FDIC formed to oversee the probe said Tuesday they were deeply troubled by the findings.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“Michael Hsu, a Democratic board member and a committee co-chair, said the report was thorough and nonpartisan.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“‘Today’s report establishes the urgent imperative of a cultural transformation at the FDIC led by those with the leadership capacity to effectuate that change,’ said Jonathan McKernan, a Republican board member and co-chair of the special committee.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“Linda Miller, CEO of the consulting firm Audient Group and one of the committee’s nonvoting members, said the accountability recommendations in the report didn’t go far enough to address the problem…” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

‘Investigators Also Confirmed That Multiple Employees, Including Senior Leaders, Have Experienced “Extremely Difficult And Volatile” Interactions With Gruenberg, A Democrat Who Has Spent Nearly Two Decades At The FDIC’

“‘While we do not find Chairman Gruenberg’s conduct to be a root cause of the sexual harassment and discrimination in the agency or the long-standing workplace culture issues identified in our review, we do recognize that, as a number of FDIC employees put it in talking about Chairman Gruenberg, culture “starts at the top,”’ according to the report.” (“‘Patriarchal, Insular, And Risk-Averse': FDIC Inquiry Finds Pervasive Sexual Harassment,” Politico, 5/07/2024)

“Investigators also confirmed that multiple employees, including senior leaders, have experienced ‘extremely difficult and volatile’ interactions with Gruenberg, a Democrat who has spent nearly two decades at the FDIC. FDIC employees, including senior leaders, felt ‘disrespected, disparaged and treated unfairly’ by Gruenberg, and said the chairman was perceived as ‘someone who was angry and upset and who could not control his temper.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “After the Journal’s investigation was published, with reporting that Gruenberg had repeatedly berated staffers, he said he had been generally unaware of allegations of a toxic culture and resisted calls from Republican lawmakers to resign. “ (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“The report didn’t make a recommendation as to whether Gruenberg and other senior leaders should face discipline or removal, which was outside investigators’ scope. But it said Gruenberg’s long tenure and reputation for losing his temper with staff ‘presents unique challenges’ for him to lead the cultural and structural overhaul that it said is needed and questioned whether he has the ‘moral authority’ to do so.(“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “Those dynamics, investigators wrote, ‘may hinder his ability to establish trust and confidence in leading meaningful culture change, and so too may his apparent inability or unwillingness to recognize how others experience certain difficult interactions with him.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“Gruenberg told investigators that he didn’t recall ‘ever getting angry in meetings with FDIC employees.’ The report included a number of incidents that suggest otherwise.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “In a May 2023 meeting, Gruenberg subjected participants to what one described as ‘45 minutes of vitriol’ and threatened to ‘“fire” or “reassign” anybody he wanted,’ which a participant said in contemporaneous Teams messages was ‘embarrassing and inappropriate.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “The report documents four other incidents of Gruenberg losing his temper, including one in which he threw papers that had been prepared for him against the wall in anger. Gruenberg in his interview with investigators denied ever throwing anything during a meeting.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“After the Journal reported on his temper, a senior executive in a meeting with Gruenberg and others was frustrated by Gruenberg questioning the accuracy of the report and told him that it ‘accurately reflected [Chairman Gruenberg’s] leadership style and everyone in the room [was] afraid to tell [him] that.’ That led to a ‘tense and awkward discussion among the senior staff about their respective interactions with him.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “One participant in a 2007 meeting in which Gruenberg lost his temper told investigators, ‘I’ll never forget the experience. In my entire career of 35 years, I’ve never had anybody treat me like that.’” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

“A House hearing in November yielded an uncomfortable moment during a House hearing in which Gruenberg was forced to correct the record on whether he had ever been investigated over inappropriate behavior.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)

·       “He initially told the committee he had never been the subject of such an investigation. But after the Journal requested comment from the FDIC on a 2008 investigation following an incident in which a senior female employee said he lost his temper with her, Gruenberg revised his testimony and confirmed he had been investigated.” (“FDIC Investigation Finds Culture Rife With Sexual Harassment, Discrimination,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/07/2024)


FLASHBACK: Biden Came Into Office Pledging, ‘If You’re Ever Working With Me And I Hear You Treat Another Colleague With Disrespect Or Talk Down To Someone, I Promise You, I Will Fire You On The Spot’

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: JANUARY 2021: “I’m not joking when I say this: If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect or talk down to someone, I promise you, I will fire you on the spot — on the spot. No ifs ands or buts…” (“Biden To Staff: ‘I Will Fire You On The Spot’ For ‘Disrespect’ To Others,” New York Post, 1/20/2021)

·       BIDEN: “Everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity. That’s been missing in a big way the last four years…” (“Biden To Staff: ‘I Will Fire You On The Spot’ For ‘Disrespect’ To Others,” New York Post, 1/20/2021)

·       BIDEN: “We’re going to be judged whether or not we restored the integrity and competency this government I need your help badly.” (“Biden To Staff: ‘I Will Fire You On The Spot’ For ‘Disrespect’ To Others,” New York Post, 1/20/2021)

·       BIDEN: “We’re going to take responsibility. That’s what we do. That’s what you do.” (“Biden To Staff: ‘I Will Fire You On The Spot’ For ‘Disrespect’ To Others,” New York Post, 1/20/2021)

BIDEN: MARCH 2022: “Between half and three quarters of all women report that they have faced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace. And too often, they’re denied a voice and fair chance to do anything about it. Today we send a clear and strong message that we stand with you for safety, dignity, and for justice.” (Pres. Biden, Remarks, 3/03/2022)

·       BIDEN: “If a worker experiences sexual assault or harassment, it’s in the — it’s in the employer’s best interest to address it…” (Pres. Biden, Remarks, 3/03/2022)

BIDEN: MARCH 2024: “And I said — when I said why I was running — they asked me why I was running. I said, ‘For three reasons. One, to restore the soul of America.’ And I meant it. We can’t be a nation espousing a value set that’s contrary to everything we believe. Just decency.” (Pres. Biden, Remarks, 3/29/2024)

Gruenberg’s Senate Allies Once Said ‘There Won't Be Real Change Until Harassment In All Corners Of The Country Is Exposed And The Harassers Are Held Accountable’

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA), 2018: “We are in a moment in American history where people are coming together to say enough. But there won't be real change until harassment in all corners of the country is exposed and the harassers are held accountable…” (Sen. Warren, Press Release, 2/27/2018)

SEN. SHERROD BROWN (D-OH), 2017: We have a serious problem in this country with sexual harassment and assault – in Congress, in Hollywood, in business, in the military – everywhere. I am grateful to the victims who have had the bravery to come forward. Their courage has created a movement that is bringing about change.” (Sen. Brown, Press Release, 12/06/2017)



Related Issues: Regulations, House Democrats, Senate Democrats