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Democrats Demonstrate Left-Wing Banking Regulations Are More Important To Them Than Cleaning Up The Toxic FDIC

Despite President Biden’s Pledge To ‘Fire’ Officials ‘On The Spot’ For Workplace Misconduct, Both The White House And Many Progressives In Congress Refuse To Call On FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg To Outright Resign, All To Protect Their Desired Banking Regulations SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC), Senate Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committee Ranking Member: “Leadership carries with it the responsibility of stewardship. Your sheep are lost and your fields riddled with weeds. In 2021, President Biden … Continue Reading


Progressives In Congress Defend The Scandal-Plagued FDIC Chair To Protect Their Regulatory Agenda

Putting Their Ideological Agenda Above Good Governance, Workplace Safety, And President Biden’s Pledge To ‘Fire’ Officials ‘On The Spot’ For Workplace Misconduct, Far-Left Democrats Are Defending And Making Excuses For The Embattled FDIC Chairman, Despite Scathing Findings About Toxic Workplace Culture At The Agency SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC), Senate Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committee Ranking Member: “An organization’s culture is set from the top. It’s clear the FDIC, its mission, and mo… Continue Reading


Flouting A Rebuke From The Supreme Court, Biden Doubles Down On Buying Votes With Taxpayer Money

Once Again, President Biden Is Ignoring The Law And Pledging To Hand Taxpayer Money To People Who Incurred Student Loan Debts In A Flagrant And Desperate Attempt To Buy Votes In November   SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA), Senate HELP Committee Ranking Member: “These loan schemes do not forgive debt. They transfer the debt from those who willingly took it on to the 87 percent of Americans who decided to not go to college or already worked to pay off their loans. This is an unfair ploy to buy votes bef… Continue Reading


Biden Packs The Government With Big Labor Partisans While A Summer Of Strikes Threatens The Economy

President Biden Keeps Pushing Union Partisans For Key Labor Positions In The Federal Government And They Are Dutifully Rewriting Labor Laws And Regulations To Favor Unions, All While Big Unions Are Striking Or Threatening Strikes In Many Critical Economic Sectors SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This week, Senate Democrats are attempting to tip the partisan scales and weaponize a regulatory authority that impacts millions of American workers and businesses. The Senate’s longsta… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats Vote To Run Over America’s Truckers And Drive Up Grocery Costs For Working Families

As Rising Grocery Prices Continue To Put Pressure On Working Families, Senate Democrats Today Sided With President Biden's Radical Agenda, Keeping In Place The EPA's Regulations Kneecapping America's Truckers That Drive Our Economy SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Earlier this year, the Senate made use of the Congressional Review Act to push back on a particularly dangerous part of the Biden Administration's radical approach to environmental policy. Our colleague, the senior… Continue Reading


RIP Internet, 5 Years Gone

Five Years Ago, The FCC's Repeal Of 'Net Neutrality' Went Into Effect, Causing Democrats And Many Other Liberals To Make Apocalyptic Prognostications, None Of Which Came True FORMER FCC CHAIRMAN AJIT PAI: "Do you remember where you were five years ago today, on June 11, 2018? I'd be surprised if you don't. For that was the day the internet ended - the day the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) repeal of so-called 'net neutrality' regulations went into effect." (Ajit Pai, "The Death … Continue Reading


Bipartisan Deal Delivers Significant Conservative Policy Wins For American Families

Thanks To Republicans' Unity, Speaker McCarthy Was Able To Secure Important Conservative Policy Victories In Bipartisan Negotiations That Will Benefit Our Country Including Significant Welfare Reforms, A Pared-Back IRS, A Down Payment On Real Permitting Reform, Expediting A Pipeline That Will Boost Domestic Energy, And Rescinding Unspent COVID Money SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Four months ago, Speaker McCarthy invited President Biden to start negotiating an agreement to… Continue Reading


Biden Launches Yet Another Assault In His War On Affordable Energy

Sweeping New War On Coal Regulations Announced Today By President Biden's EPA Will Shutter Power Plants, Drive Up The Cost Of Electricity, And Further Reduce The Electric Grid's Reliability, All While Relying On Technology And Infrastructure That Don't Exist Yet And Could Once Again Run Afoul Of The Law SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "By outsourcing his energy policy to the radical left, President Biden is outsourcing away America's energy security and independence. Today, … Continue Reading


Chuck Schumer’s Gas Stove Gaslighting

As Progressives Were Advancing Bans On Gas Appliances Earlier This Year, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Mocked Republican Concerns, But 8 Weeks Later, New York Democrats Proved Republicans Right, And Schumer Wrong In February, Schumer Smugly Mocked Republicans Alarmed At Proposals Advanced By Progressives To Ban Gas Appliances SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY), February 3: "Nobody is taking away your gas stove. Shameless and desperate MAGA Republicans are showing us they will cook up any distraction t… Continue Reading


Julie Su Is A Partisan Union Activist Whose Policies Will Hurt Independent Contractors And Small Businesses

President Biden Has Nominated Julie Su To Be The New Secretary Of Labor But Her Track Record In California Of Mismanagement And Support For Disastrous Big Labor-Driven Policies Shows She Should Not Be Promoted By The Senate SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA), Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Ranking Member: "Deputy Secretary Su has a troubling record and is currently overseeing the Department of Labor's development of anti-worker regulations that dismantle the gig economy. This … Continue Reading


Senate To Vote On Protecting Americans From Biden’s Burdensome And Intrusive WOTUS Rule

Today, Senators Will Vote On Sen. Capito's Congressional Review Act Resolution Disapproving Of The Biden EPA's 'Waters Of The United States Rule,' Which Reaches So Far Into Regulating Private Land Use That It Would Harm Farmers, Infrastructure Projects, And Small Businesses And Has Attracted Bipartisan Opposition SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "America's farmers and ranchers have tough enough jobs without Washington Democrats inventing new problems. But yet again, unelected… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Fight To Prevent Democrats’ Critical Race Theory Push From Gaining A Foothold In American Society

As School Boards Influenced By Radical Activists Increasingly Look To Adopt Critical Race Theory And The 1619 Project, Republicans In Congress Are Taking A Stand Against This 'Divisive Propaganda' While Prominent Democrats Deny It's Even A Problem SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Take the massive spending package Democrats rammed through in the name of COVID relief. The spending was billed as urgent, but its authors apparently had time to bake in a provision directing relief… Continue Reading


House Democrats’ Expensive, Unserious Wish List

House Democrats Unveiled A $3 Trillion Spending Spree Stuffed With A 'Wish List Filled Up With All The Party's Favored Policies,' 'Not Something Designed To Deal With Reality' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[W]hat you've seen in the House … is not something designed to deal with reality, but designed to deal with aspirations. This is not a time for aspirational legislation, this is a time for practical response to the coronavirus pandemic. And so, we're going to insis… Continue Reading


Senate Accomplishments In The 116th Congress So Far

Accomplishments Of The 116th Senate Include: HISTORIC TRANSFORMATION OF THE COURTS: Confirmed 20 of President Trump's circuit court nominees and 80 of his district court nominees for a total of 50 and 133 since 2017, respectively. "[T]he Senate has confirmed 102 judges for the year … It's the second-highest confirmation total in a single year in American history." FISCAL YEAR 2020 DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION: Passed the bipartisan annual defense policy bill providing for $750 billi… Continue Reading


Senate Dems Attempt To Undermine State Flexibility, Affordability & Choice In Health Care

Senate Democrats Are Seeking To Curtail States' 'Opportunity To Apply For Waivers That Allow For More Types Of Health Insurance Plans And More Options For Consumers' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This week, we will vote on another effort by our Democratic colleagues to undo successful Trump administration policy. …This time, they'd like to reverse Trump administration guidance that has reduced health care premiums for American families and reaffirmed protections for t… Continue Reading


Democrats Seek To Revive The War On Coal

Senate Democrats Want To Turn Back The Clock And Revive A Costly 'Complex Scheme' From The Obama Administration That Would Have Raised Energy Costs For Families And Shipped Jobs Overseas "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) vowed on Thursday to force a floor vote in the Senate on blocking the Trump administration's efforts to repeal Obama-era rules mandating a shift from coal power … It is one of several efforts Mr. Schumer said he plans to make to stem President Trump's r… Continue Reading


Replacing The Obama EPA’s Job-Killing Coal Regulation

The Trump Administration Is Doing Away With An Obama EPA Regulation That 'Would Have Weaponized A Federal Agency To Bury Energy Producers,' 'Left Higher Electricity Costs In Its Wake,' And Cost American Jobs "The Environmental Protection Agency finalized its replacement for Obama's signature climate policy on Wednesday with a rule officials say will still reduce greenhouse gas emissions … The Clean Power Plan, which never went into effect, was a signature policy proposed by Presiden… Continue Reading


‘The Internet Is Still Working’

Democrats Declared Rolling Back Heavy-Handed FCC 'Net Neutrality' Regulations Would Be 'The End Of The Internet As We Know It' But Over A Year Later, 'That's Proved Flatly False' FCC CHAIRMAN AJIT PAI: "We were told for many months that this decision would be, quote, 'the end of the Internet as we know it,' and if this decision passed, you would get the Internet one word at a time. That's proved flatly false…. The Internet is still working. It is open and free." (U.S. Senate Commerce,… Continue Reading


A Long List Of Accomplishments

'[T]he Coast Guard Legislation Was Just The Very Latest Installment In A Long List Of Bipartisan Successes Passed By This Senate' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[This week], we passed legislation to reauthorize the Coast Guard by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. The Senate took action to reaffirm the critical security, interdiction, and rescue missions that keep Americans safe, and to streamline duplicative regulations at the same time. The provision to clarify the regul… Continue Reading


List Of Accomplishments Keeps Growing

Water Infrastructure, FAA Reauthorization, And Landmark Opioids Bill Are Latest Additions To The Accomplishments Of The 115th Congress SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Earlier this year, the president challenged us to seriously address our nation's crumbling infrastructure. In Congress, we've wasted no time on working to tackle this challenge in a bipartisan way. Here are just a few highlights. The funding bill for fiscal year 2018 included a $21 billion increase in infrastruc… Continue Reading

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