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‘Petty Politics’

'Stalling The Confirmation Of Presidential Nominees En Masse Will Be Viewed, Rightly, As Just An Extension Of The Petty Politics That Americans Are So Strongly Rejecting' "Schumer added that if Trump doesn't send some of his other, more controversial nominees back to Senate committees for more questioning, Democrats will use the Senate floor to lob their complaints and questions about those nominees, potentially drawing out the process of confirming the Cabinet picks by several days each." ("De… Continue Reading


Steven Mnuchin ‘Helped Us’

'Oversaw 101,000 Mortgage Modification Offers' At OneWest Bank, 'We Were Very Grateful That Our Loan Got Modified' 'We Personally Witnessed Mr. Mnuchin's Actions To Protect Homeowners' While He Led OneWest Bank "Mnuchin led a consortium of investors that purchased the troubled bank IndyMac from the federal government in 2009, acquiring a $13.9 billion portfolio of some of the nation's shoddiest loans for about $1.6 billion. Tara Bradshaw, a spokeswoman for Mnuchin, said about 178,000… Continue Reading


Dr. Tom Price ‘An Excellent Choice’ For HHS Secretary

'Healthcare Is Not An Academic Exercise For [Dr.] Price. It Is Not A Distant Policy Or Political Debate. It Is A Passion And One He Has Dedicated His Life To Improving' FORMER HHS SECRETARIES: 'Price's Unique Expertise Makes Him More Than Qualified To Serve As Secretary Of The Department Of Health And Human Services' FORMER HHS SECRETARIES TOMMY THOMPSON and MICHEAL LEAVITT: "As former HHS Secretary's, we personally know the immense responsibilities that come with leading the vast and comple… Continue Reading


Scott Pruitt ‘More Than Qualified To Lead EPA’

Pruitt 'Will Strike The Right Balance Between Protecting Our Land, Air And Water While Respecting The Rights Of Property Owners And Entrepreneurs' "The Oklahoma attorney general is likely to be confirmed, only needing 50 votes in the upper chamber, and has already earned the support of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)." ("Five Things To Watch In Round 2 Of Trump Confirmation Fights," The Hill, 1/17/17) "Dem Manchin lauds Trump's EPA pick: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) lauded President-elect Donald Tr… Continue Reading


Betsy DeVos ‘Puts Children At The Forefront’

'DeVos Has A Real Compassion For Children And A Proven Record Of Championing Reforms To Improve Literacy And Learning In Our Nation' 20 GOVERNORS: 'Betsy DeVos Will Fight To Streamline The Federal Education Bureaucracy, Return Authority Back To States And Local School Boards' 20 Governors: "As governors, we know the conditions placed on local schools by the federal government. While state and local governments bear the chief responsibility for funding our K-12 systems, we take issue with man… Continue Reading


Betsy DeVos: A Leader In The Fight ‘To Expand Education Opportunities For Children’

'A Reformer' With 'A Long Commitment To Improving Education Who Is Unafraid To Challenge The Status Quo' SENATE HELP COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN): "Betsy DeVos is an excellent choice. The Senate's education committee will move swiftly in January to consider her nomination. Betsy has worked for years to improve educational opportunities for all children. As secretary, she will be able to implement the new law fixing No Child Left Behind just as Congress wrote it, reversing the trend… Continue Reading


Sessions’ Strong Record On Civil Rights

'Prosecuted The KKK,' 'Focused On Solving The Fires' At Black Churches, Won 'Hard-Fought Victory For Civil Rights' On Drug Sentencing Which 'Unfairly Impact[s] Minority Communities' REP. MARTHA ROBY (R-AL): "I'm sharing these photos that my staff member took in Selma during the 50th Anniversary of 'Bloody Sunday,' showing Senator Sessions joining arms with civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis and other leaders to cross the Edmund-Pettus Bridge. That was an important day for Alabama, and Senator S… Continue Reading


Democrats: Gen. Kelly ‘A Man Of Steady Leadership’

'I'm A Huge Fan,' He 'Has Served Our Country With Distinction' Gen. John Kelly "…a seasoned commander with personal experience of the costs of war in charge of protecting the nation's borders. Blunt-spoken and popular with military personnel, General Kelly, 66, rose to run the United States Southern Command, which… exposed him to immigration, drug trafficking and other cross-border problems over a sprawling area that encompasses 32 countries in the Caribbean, Central America and S… Continue Reading


Dems On Sessions: ‘A Man Of His Word’

'He Is Always A Gentleman,' 'Wonderful To Work With,' 'We've Relied On Him,' 'A Great U.S. Attorney,' 'Treated [Me] With Great Dignity' FORMER-SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN (D-CT), Democratic Nominee For Vice-President: "I always found Jeff to be an honorable and trustworthy person, a smart and good lawyer, and a thoughtful and open-minded listener… I believe that he will be a principled, fair, and capable Attorney General. If I were in the Senate today, I would vote 'aye' on his nomination." (For… Continue Reading


Rex Tillerson: An ‘Excellent Choice’ For Secretary Of State

Former Cabinet Officials Praise Tillerson As 'A Person Of Great Integrity Whose Only Goal In Office Would Be To Protect And Advance The Interests Of The United States' Former Secretaries Of State: Tillerson Has 'Remarkable And Broad International Experience' And 'Demonstrated … Management And Negotiating Skills' FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE JAMES A. BAKER III: "Rex Tillerson, who is a friend of mine, is an excellent choice to head the State Department and has an opportunity to be a very … Continue Reading


Sen. Sessions’ Long Distinguished Record Is Clear

'Senators Know Sessions' … Personally As One Of Their Own' "Senators know Sessions' voting record and positions very well, said Durbin, the Senate's No. 2 Democratic leader. They also know him personally as one of their own, which Durbin acknowledged could make the difference…" (Bloomberg, 1/9/17) "[Office of Government Ethics] has released the ethics agreements and financial disclosures for … Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the attorney general nominee…" ("Senators Gea… Continue Reading


Georgians On Dr. Tom Price For HHS: ‘An Exceptional Choice’

Those Who Know Dr. Price And Have Worked With Him For Years Call Him 'One Of The Finest People In Washington' And Laud His 'Depth Of Experience In Healthcare' Senior Peach State Politicians: Dr. Price Is 'A Serious Man' Who 'Is A True Leader In Congress And An Exceptional Choice' ATLANTA MAYOR KASIM REED (D): "He's a serious man. . . [H]e's a serious person who will study 20 hours a day, who will know the rules, who will know his membership, who is a strong vote-counter. Those are all things… Continue Reading


Dr. Tom Price: ‘A Strong And Credible Advocate For American Patients’

As The First Physician To Lead HHS In Over 20 Years, Health Care Advocates Say Dr. Price 'Provides A Depth Of Experience' And 'Will Provide A Much Needed Medical Perspective' SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "American middle-class families have been financially devastated by Obamacare, and righting the wrongs of the misguided law is a top priority for the new Republican Congress and administration. Congressman Price has been selected for this crucial HHS post because of his… Continue Reading


Dem Resistance To Reality

Dems 'Failure To Accept The Election Defeat' Leads To Quixotic Attempt To Stall Nearly All Cabinet Nominations "The progressive Donald Trump doomsday clock is still at a minute to midnight even as the President-elect has named a string of mainstream cabinet nominees, and Senate Democrats are signaling that they plan to fight nearly all of them. They're even calling themselves 'the resistance,' which does accurately capture the combination of melodrama and failure to accept the election defeat.… Continue Reading


Dems On Nominees: ‘We Owe Deference To A President’

'Our Role Is Not To Substitute Our Judgment For The President' FLASHBACK: President Barack Obama - Original 2009 Cabinet Nominations The Cabinet includes the Vice President, and the heads of fifteen executive departments subject to Senate confirmation. There are also an additional seven Cabinet-ranked officials, six of whom are Senate confirmed. (The White House Chief of Staff is not). Regarding President Obama's first-term Cabinet members: Seven were confirmed on January 20, 2009, the … Continue Reading


Key Former Justice Dept. Officials Support Sessions

Former U.S. Attorneys: His 'Inviolable Promise To Treat All People Equally Under The Law' Leave Us In 'No Doubt That Senator Sessions Can Do The Job Well' Former Assistant Attorneys General: 'We Are Pleased To Endorse [Jeff Sessions'] Nomination And Do So Without Reservation' FORMER U.S. ATTORNEYS: 'We, The Signatories Below, Are All Former United States Attorneys … Who Write To Support The Confirmation Of Senator Jeff Sessions As Attorney General Of The United States' LETTER FROM 10… Continue Reading


‘The Attorney General Position Must Be Filled Swiftly’

Senate Dems Previously: 'This Position Is Too Important For Any Kind Of Political Games' "Historically, the Senate began hearings before Inauguration Day for every attorney general nominee from a newly elected president since Dwight Eisenhower..." ("Democrats To Give Trump Cabinet Picks The Garland Treatment," Politico, 12/05/2016) FLASHBACK Top Dem: 'We Should All Be Able To Agree That Confirming The Top Law Enforcement Position Should Be An Urgent Priority Of The Senate' SEN. DIANNE FEI… Continue Reading


Sen. Sessions ‘A Good Man’

Democrat, Republican Alabamians Praise Sen. Jeff Sessions As 'A Man of the Highest Character And Integrity' SEN. QUINTON ROSS: 'I Know Him Personally… And The Experience Has Been Nothing But Positive' "Alabama state Senator Quinton Ross (D-Montgomery) and U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) come from different sides of the political aisle. But as Sessions' hearings near for confirmation to the position of U.S. Attorney General, he'll have Ross' support. Ross, a black man who now holds t… Continue Reading


Sessions’ Strong Record On Civil Rights

'Prosecuted The KKK,' 'Focused On Solving The Fires' At Black Churches, Won 'Hard-Fought Victory For Civil Rights' On Drug Sentencing Which 'Unfairly Impact[s] Minority Communities' REP. MARTHA ROBY (R-AL): "I'm sharing these photos that my staff member took in Selma during the 50th Anniversary of 'Bloody Sunday,' showing Senator Sessions joining arms with civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis and other leaders to cross the Edmund-Pettus Bridge. That was an important day for Alabama, and Senator S… Continue Reading


Will Senate Dems Join The ‘Insurgency’?

Senate Liberals Are Threatening To Break Precedent, And Obstruct & Slow-Walk Cabinet Nominees Despite Previously Claiming (Before The Election) There Is A 'Moral Obligation' To 'Get Things Done' SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY) Prior To Election: "We have a moral obligation, even beyond the economy and politics, to avoid gridlock and get the country to work again... We have to get things done." ("Schumer Sees Path to Senate Tax Deal With Clinton in White House," Bloomberg Politics, 11/07/2016) FL… Continue Reading

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