
Georgians On Dr. Tom Price For HHS: ‘An Exceptional Choice’

 Those Who Know Dr. Price And Have Worked With Him For Years Call Him ‘One Of The Finest People In Washington’ And Laud His ‘Depth Of Experience In Healthcare’

Senior Peach State Politicians: Dr. Price Is ‘A Serious Man’ Who ‘Is A True Leader In Congress And An Exceptional Choice’

ATLANTA MAYOR KASIM REED (D): “He’s a serious man. . . [H]e’s a serious person who will study 20 hours a day, who will know the rules, who will know his membership, who is a strong vote-counter. Those are all things that I would like to know about people that I meet with on matters of consequence.” (“Tom Price, Kasim Reed And The Art Of The Deal: Georgia Edition,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 12/04/2016)

SEN. JOHNNY ISAKSON (R-GA): “Tom Price is a true leader in Congress and an exceptional choice to head up the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. With his background as a practicing physician, Tom will bring real world experience and a single-minded focus on the needs of patients to this vital role. I fully support his nomination and am confident that he will put the department back to work for the American people.” (Sen. Isakson, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

SEN. DAVID PERDUE (R-GA): “Tom is a fellow Georgian who understands that we need to stop Washington's takeover of our health care system. As a doctor, he is seen as a leading voice on health care policy and has a common-sense plan to replace Obamacare that will lower costs and put patients in charge of their health care choices. I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with Tom, and there is no doubt in my mind that he will do a fantastic job improving our nation’s health care system and the lives of all Americans.” (Sen. Perdue, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

GOV. NATHAN DEAL (R-GA): “It’s a great accolade for Tom Price individually and for state of Georgia as a whole. . . He’s a very qualified and capable individual. His background and experience in both the state Legislature and the Congress equips him for the job.” (“Confirmation Appears Clear For Georgia’s Price As Health Secretary,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 11/29/2016)

Georgia Lawmakers: ‘Absolutely The Best Man For The Job’; ‘His Work Ethic Is Just Something I Don’t Think Anybody Could Compete With’

“‘A lot of nights we’d be going to dinner, the lights would be on in his office and he’d be in there working,’ said U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, who served with Price on Capitol Hill and in the state Legislature. . . ‘His work ethic is just something I don’t think anybody could compete with.’” (“Tom Price: The Georgia Lawmaker Who Will Lead Trump’s Health Policy,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 12/03/2016)

REP. TOM GRAVES (R-GA): “I can’t think of anyone better than Dr. Price to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As a practicing physician for more than 20 years, Tom knows the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and understands better than most why we need to keep the federal government out of that relationship. As a congressman, Tom led the charge to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a free-market system that increases choice, drives down premiums and puts patients first.” (Rep. Graves, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

REP. BARRY LOUDERMILK (R-GA): “There is no one I know better suited to lead the Department of Health and Human Services than Dr. Price. The President-elect needs someone who has a depth of experience in healthcare and a deep appreciation for the Constitution and the proper role of the federal government, and that's exactly what Tom brings to the administration.” (Rep. Loudermilk, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

REP. JODY HICE (R-GA): “Congressman Price is the right choice to reverse Obamacare’s failures. As a fellow Georgian and having served alongside Congressman Price, I am confident that he will lead the way in the Trump Administration to implement real, patient-centered healthcare solutions as Secretary of HHS.” (Rep. Hice, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

REP. BUDDY CARTER (R-GA): “Tom Price is absolutely the best man for the job and I applaud President-elect Trump's decision. As a fellow health care professional, Tom has experienced firsthand the destruction of our health care system and knows how important it is to end the Obamacare train wreck once and for all. He has already created conservative solutions to accomplish this and repair our broken health care system to empower patients with more choices, lower costs and better services. I am confident Tom will work with Congress to ensure this becomes a reality.” (Rep. Carter, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

Medical Association President: ‘I Can’t Think Of A Better, More Qualified Candidate To Lead HHS’

MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA President Steven M. Walsh, M.D.: “Congressman Price has earned his reputation as a strong and credible advocate for American patients and physicians. …Dr. Price has a proven track record, he has always been open-minded and accessible, and he has a clear vision for the future… I can’t think of a better, more qualified candidate to lead HHS and protect and preserve America’s patient-centered health care system than Dr. Tom Price.” (“MAG Endorsing U.S. Rep. Tom Price, M.D., HHS Nomination,” Medical Association Of Georgia Website, Accessed 1/04/2017)

Georgia Newspapers: ‘An Absolutely Fabulous Pick’; ‘A Workhorse’ Who Is ‘Unquestionably Knowledgeable’

THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION: “[A] no-nonsense work ethic, attention to detail and an unquenchable thirst to be at the center of weighty decisions — particularly involving medical policy — has driven [Tom] Price, 62, throughout his life. . . Current and former colleagues describe Price as more of a workhorse than a back-slapper, someone who’s calculated, unquestionably knowledgeable and unafraid to go into the weeds on policy.” (“Tom Price: The Georgia Lawmaker Who Will Lead Trump’s Health Policy,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 12/03/2016)

THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE Editors: “Georgia Congressman Tom Price, a medical doctor, has been tapped to take over President Trump’s Health and Human Services Department . . . What an absolutely fabulous pick. We know Tom Price, and we can tell you he is one of the finest people in Washington. Stately, learned, experienced and down to earth, Dr. Price is just the man for what ails us.” (Editorial, “The Doctor Is In,” The Augusta Chronicle, 11/30/2016)

THE NEWNAN TIMES-HERALD Editors: “Tom Price is a solid choice to oversee health policy, and the changes he is likely to lead will be positive. President-elect Donald Trump . . . was drafting a health expert who represents Peach State values, which is a plus for us here. . . Over the last dozen years since his election, Price has worked to become an acknowledged leader on health policy.” (Editorial, “Tom Price Is A Good Pick,” The Newnan Times-Herald, 12/05/2016)

  • “During the doctor’s tenure in the state Senate, his Republican colleagues elected him their majority leader, demonstrating their respect for his character, leadership and ideas. That’s telling because it’s harder to bamboozle your colleagues who know you personally and deal with you daily in private settings.” (Editorial, “Tom Price Is A Good Pick,” The Newnan Times-Herald, 12/05/2016)



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