
Will Dems Continue To Put Politics Over Fighting Zika?

CDC: Currently 10,000+ Total Zika Cases

  “…Republicans in the Senate have scheduled a vote on a $1.1 billion Zika package next Tuesday, when Congress comes back into session. But Democrats have been blocking consideration of the Republican package…” (“U.S. Funding For Fighting Zika Virus Is Nearly Spent, C.D.C. Says,” The New York Times, 8/31/16)

 “Senate Might Need to Curtail Filibuster, Harry Reid Says… ‘the Senate will have to evolve as it has in the past,’ Mr. Reid told me, referring to a former Senate tradition of rarely mounting filibusters. ‘But it will evolve with a majority vote determining stuff. It is going to happen.’” (“A Democratic Senate Might Need to Curtail Filibuster, Harry Reid Says,” The New York Times, 9/1/16)

‘Chunk Of The U.S. … Has The Right Conditions For The Zika Virus’

“A chunk of the U.S. stretching from Texas through the Gulf Coast and Florida has the right conditions for the Zika virus to proliferate, researchers said in a paper published in the journal eLife earlier this year.” (“Where The Zika Virus Can Thrive And Take Its Toll In The United States,” Wall Street Journal, 8/30/16)

The Good News: “… officials are reporting surprising success with mosquito control in Florida. Aerial spraying over the Miami neighborhood with the locally transmitted cases in the continental United States has been highly effective, Dr. Frieden said. The success seems to have come from combining sprays that kill adult mosquitoes with sprays that kill larvae. (Adult sprays on their own were not as effective.) The outcome goes against conventional wisdom that aerial spraying does not work against the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the type that carries Zika. ‘What we’ve seen is very dramatic reduction in mosquito populations there,’ Dr. Frieden said.” (“U.S. Funding For Fighting Zika Virus Is Nearly Spent, C.D.C. Says,” The New York Times, 8/31/16)

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[I]t’s shocking that Senate Democrats blocked Congress from passing legislation that would have marshaled immediate federal funds to fight the Zika virus. They blocked anti-Zika funds and prevention efforts, not once but twice. It’s unbelievable, but true.” (Sen. McConnell, Op-Ed, “Senate Democrats Chose Politics Over Funding Zika Fight,” Lexington Herald-Leader, 8/1/16)

JUNE: ‘Senate Democrats … Blocked A Critical Funding Measure Needed To Combat The Spreading Zika Virus’

43 Democrats voted against Zika appropriations included in the MilCon / VA Conference report. (H.R.2577, Roll Call Vote #112, Cloture Motion Rejected 52-48: R 51-3; D 1-43; I 0-2, 6/28/16)

JULY: ‘Senate Democrats Maintain Filibuster, Block Zika Deal For Second Time’

41 Democrats again voted against additional Zika appropriations included in the MilCon / VA Conference report. (H.R.2577, Roll Call Vote #134, Cloture Motion Rejected 52-44: R 51-1; D 1-41; I 0-2, 7/14/16)


Related Issues: Zika Virus, Health Care, Appropriations