



SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY): “We should pass Senator Cornyn’s Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which would support programs for survivors of human trafficking and child pornography…” (Sen. Gillibrand, Congressional Record, S.1270, 3/4/15)

SEN. HEIDI HEITKAMP (D-ND): “I also call on the majority leader to act by urging him to also bring S. 166, the Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act, and S. 178, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, to the floor for a vote.” (Sen. Heitkamp, Congressional Record, S.1270, 3/4/15)

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN): “I think the first message here is this is bipartisan. I don’t think any sex trafficker wants to hear we are doing some tougher stuff to go after them, but we are. It is very important that this be bipartisan.” (Sen. Klobuchar, Congressional Record, S.1267, 3/4/15)

  • KLOBUCHAR: “I am excited about these bills because finally we are working on something together. I would like to get them done as soon as possible.” (Sen. Klobuchar, Congressional Record, S.1267, 3/4/15)

SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): “I rise today with many of my fellow women Senators from both parties in drawing awareness to the terrible crime of human trafficking, and not just drawing awareness, but to call upon all of us to take action to stop this crime.” (Sen. Hirono, Congressional Record, S.1268, 3/4/15)

SEN. BARBARA MIKULSKI (D-MD):“Let’s get it done, and let’s get it done now.” (Sen. Mikulski, Congressional Record, S.1266, 3/4/15)



Related Issues: Combating Sex Trafficking, Senate Democrats