
The CARES Act Is ‘A Rescue Operation For The American People’

The CARES Act ‘Says A Lot About The United States Senate As An Institution, Our Willingness To Put Aside Our Differences, And To Do Something Really Significant For The Country’


SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “I’m proud to announce tonight, not a single senator voted against this $2 trillion rescue bill to save American individuals, small businesses, large businesses, and to provide considerable funding for the healthcare workers and the scientists and the doctors and others who are trying to solve this pandemic…. I think it says a lot about the United States Senate as an institution, our willingness to put aside our differences, and to do something really significant for the country. I think one of the reasons that happened is where inspired by what’s going on around the country. People are helping each other, reaching out, looking for ways to make a difference, following the directions of the healthcare professionals. This is a proud moment for the United States Senate and for the country and we’re going to win this battle in the very near future.” (Sen. McConnell, Press Conference, 3/25/2020)


Senate GOP Leadership: ‘The CARES Act Will Put Emergency Cash Into The Hands Of American Families And Workers Who Need It The Most, And It Will Deliver Relief To Small Businesses To Help Them And Their Workers Weather This Storm’ And ‘Provides Needed Funding For Health Care Workers And Hospitals’

SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD), Senate Majority Whip: “Challenging times require swift and bold action from the federal government. That’s why I’m glad the Senate was able to rise above politics and act in a bipartisan way to provide much-needed relief to the American people. The CARES Act will put emergency cash into the hands of American families and workers who need it the most, and it will deliver relief to small businesses to help them and their workers weather this storm. … I hope the House acts on this critical piece of legislation as soon as possible.” (Sen. Thune, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY), Senate Republican Conference Chairman: “The American people need relief, and they are watching. The twin health care and economic crises have hit our country hard. The CARES Act provides needed funding for health care workers and hospitals caring for coronavirus patients. It brings direct financial relief to families and small businesses. This is the largest health care and economic rescue package in the history of our country. It is a rescue operation for the American people. I urge the House to get this to the president’s desk with all possible speed.” (Sen. Barrasso, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. ROY BLUNT (R-MO), Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairman: “The coronavirus pandemic poses the greatest threat to Americans that we have seen in decades. People are scared for their health and the health of their loved ones. Businesses large and small are struggling to stay afloat. Workers are worried about losing their jobs and not being able to make ends meet. Healthcare providers and first responders are putting their lives on the line every day to take care of people in their communities. We have to speed relief to everyone who needs it and the CARES Act the Senate just passed does that.” (Sen. Blunt, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JONI ERNST (R-IA), Senate Republican Conference Vice Chair: “As this COVID-19 pandemic has evolved, I’ve continued to listen to Iowans from all sectors of our economy, and there has been one resounding message: we need relief, and we need it now. After heeding these calls, I pushed my colleagues to take swift, bold action to deliver immediate aid to folks in Iowa, and across the country. And thankfully, we’ve done that… Now, the House must do their job, pass this bipartisan bill quickly, and get it to President Trump’s desk. We don’t have time for delay; Iowans need this aid right now.” (Sen. Ernst, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. TODD YOUNG (R-IN): “This emergency relief package is designed to help Hoosier families, workers, job creators, healthcare heroes on the front lines, patients, and everyone who has suffered through no fault of their own. Now that an agreement has been reached, we must immediately get this critical relief into the hands of people who need it most. This bill will provide direct funding to Hoosier households and bolster the state of Indiana’s response to this unprecedented public health crisis. In addition to providing economic relief, I’m hopeful this historic agreement will also help alleviate our nation’s anxiety. We are going to get through this by working together, and we are going to come out stronger.” (Sen. Young, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

CARES Act Task Force Leaders: ‘This Legislation Will Bolster Our Health Care System, Strengthen Our Medical Professionals And First Responders, Shore Up Our Economy And American Workers And Businesses, [And] Support Those Who Are Unemployed,’ ‘The Senate Acted On An Unprecedented Response To Provide Relief To Americans, Small Businesses, And Our Economy’

SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Senate Finance Committee Chairman: “For days, I worked with my Democratic colleagues to craft key tax- and health-related provisions as well as the recovery checks and unemployment insurance. It’s a bipartisan product that regrettably was hijacked and delayed because of partisan politics. But the important thing is that it’s finally approved in the Senate. I urge the Speaker of the House to immediately pass this critical relief for the American people, even if it means ending their week-long recess. The needless delays in the Senate have run out the clock. There’s no more time to waste.” (Sen. Grassley, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. RICHARD SHELBY (R-AL), Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman: “This comprehensive package will bring much-needed relief for the people of Alabama and our nation during this mounting emergency. I am glad we have finally been able to advance these resources and help protect Americans throughout the country.  I am confident that this legislation will pave the way for us to overcome the current economic and public health crisis we are facing, allowing us to emerge stronger on the other side.” (Sen. Shelby, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL), Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Chairman: “Communities across Florida and our nation are reeling from this unprecedented crisis, and today the Senate acted on an unprecedented response to provide relief to Americans, small businesses, and our economy... Our bipartisan small business package, which was included, will provide emergency relief so that millions of American workers can keep their jobs and millions of small businesses can stay open. As our nation works to contain the spread of the coronavirus, I remain in close contact with the Trump Administration and Governor DeSantis to ensure that Florida has the resources it needs during this public health crisis.” (Sen. Rubio, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman: “This crisis has had a major impact on the physical and economic health of our country, and a major response was required. This bipartisan product puts needed cash directly into the hands of American workers and families, provides rapid relief to small businesses, helps stabilize our markets and the economy, and sends a massive new infusion of resources to the front lines of the medical response.” (Sen. Crapo, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN), Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Chairman: “[The CARES Act will send] sweeping relief to keep paychecks coming for workers and relieve financial burdens for Americans hurt by COVID-19…. The government has temporarily shut down the economy because of this disease, and the government must help those who are hurt by it.” (Sen. Alexander, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME), Senate Special Committee on Aging Chair: “For American workers, American small businesses, and American families, relief is on the horizon. This legislation will bolster our health care system, strengthen our medical professionals and first responders, shore up our economy and American workers and businesses, support those who are unemployed, and help prevent millions of Americans from losing their jobs. I am pleased that the Senate has come together in a bipartisan fashion to advance this critical bill that will provide desperately needed relief to the American people.” (Sen. Collins, Press Release, 3/26/2020)

SEN. ROGER WICKER (R-MS), Senate Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee Chairman: “This bipartisan legislation will bring urgently needed financial relief directly to the American people. In order to help workers, we are providing assistance to prevent layoffs and keep businesses from shutting down. For those who have already lost their job, we are significantly increasing unemployment checks. This plan will also help contain the virus by supporting hospitals and giving Americans certainty as they comply with public health guidelines. The House of Representatives should act without delay, because the American people need support now.” (Sen. Wicker, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. ROB PORTMAN (R-OH): “This historic effort is designed to help workers, families, employers, and health professionals weather the enormous impact of the coronavirus pandemic. This measure includes billions to support our hospitals and health care providers, provides additional funding for the CDC to put in place more testing and to better collect data to track the virus, provides a significant increase in unemployment insurance benefits for workers who have been laid off, and authorizes loans to businesses, small and large, to help keep their workers on their payrolls. I’m pleased this measure passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and urge the House to pass it quickly so it can get to the president for his signature.” (Sen. Portman, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): “For financially-stressed families and workers who are furloughed or laid off, the CARES Act delivers direct payments and expanded unemployment benefits. The CARES Act aims to keep this economic contraction from becoming a full-blown depression through crucial lending programs for businesses - small and large - so they can survive an extended period with little or no revenue. … The CARES Act is far from perfect. ... Nevertheless, this bill will do much more good than harm. This crisis demands this action and the Senate delivered. I hope the House moves quickly to pass it and send it to the President for his signature.” (Sen. Toomey, Press Release, 3/25/2020)


Senate Committee Chairmen: ‘The CARES Act Provides One Of The Most Powerful And Timely Economic Relief Packages In Our Nation’s History’ And ‘Sends A Strong Signal That Congress Sees And Hears The Needs Of The American People And That We Are Working Aggressively To Provide The Resources And Support They Need To Stay Safe And Recover’

SEN. JIM INHOFE (R-OK), Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman: “COVID-19 has affected the day-to-day lives of every single American. While we face so many other threats, we can’t let it weaken our national defense as well. As Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman, I am glad the Senate acted tonight to give the Pentagon nearly $11 billion to manage the response to COVID-19, to protect and care for our service members and their families, and to minimize its impacts on our defense industrial base – and, by extension, the overall readiness of our military.” (Sen. Inhofe, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. LISA MURKOWSKI (R-AK), Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee Chairman: “This legislation sends a strong signal that Congress sees and hears the needs of the American people and that we are working aggressively to provide the resources and support they need to stay safe and recover… I’ve heard from Alaskans all across the state on how this disaster is impacting them and their families—the restaurant owner who had who had to close up shop, the hotel owner who had to let most of their employees go, and the guides who fear they are losing out on an entire tourist season, and many more just wondering what the future holds for them, their families and their businesses. This disaster is impacting Alaskans on every level. Through this bill we are providing significant relief at a time when Americans need it most.” (Sen. Murkowski, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JOHN HOEVEN (R-ND), Senate Indian Affairs Committee Chairman: “Families across the nation are facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation provides resources for health care professionals as they work to address the public health crisis. At the same time, it includes vital assistance to help deal with the economic impacts by providing relief to American families, small businesses and industries essential to our economy. As the chair of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee, I also worked to provide USDA with resources to support our farmers and ranchers through this tough stretch.” (Sen. Hoeven, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY), Senate Budget Committee Chairman: “After a lot of tense discussions, I’m pleased the Senate finally passed this third bipartisan relief package to help individuals, small businesses and the economy. It helps to fill in the gaps of the previous packages and provide the financial assistance needed for small businesses and employees in order to avoid massive unemployment lines and a complete economic collapse of our country. Employees are losing their jobs and businesses are having to shut down, through no fault of their own. They need our help. This entire situation is unprecedented and unique – and it calls for unprecedented solutions. I urge the House to quickly pass this legislation so folks can get the relief they need.” (Sen. Enzi, Press Release, 3/26/2020)

SEN. PAT ROBERTS (R-KS), Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry Committee Chairman: “The CARES Act provides one of the most powerful and timely economic relief packages in our nation’s history. Responding to the challenge of the novel coronavirus will require a collective effort from our entire nation. The bill that passed the Senate today represents ideas from both sides of the political aisle but with a shared purpose: to deliver a necessary financial bridge to American households, workers, and businesses through the economic shock from COVID-19.” (Sen. Roberts, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. RICHARD BURR (R-NC), Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman: “Our ability to confront the coronavirus pandemic in the coming weeks depends on the action we take today. Doctors, nurses, small businesses, and families are all facing unprecedented strain and need immediate resources to weather this storm. This emergency funding package will provide immediate liquidity to struggling businesses and families, help stabilize our nation’s key industries, and expand unemployment insurance. Most importantly, this bill supports the brave health care workers and first responders fighting the coronavirus outbreak on the frontlines.” (Sen. Burr, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JERRY MORAN (R-KS), Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman: “Our country is facing a pandemic, and we must act now to make certain Kansans have the support they need to weather this storm. The CARES Act is far from perfect … but hospitals need supplies, small businesses need loans, farmers and ranchers need certainty and folks who are out of work, through no fault of their own, need relief. Through direct payments to families, assistance to hurting industries and strategic solutions to meet health care demands, Phase III will provide relief and resources to help make certain small businesses can keep employees on the payroll and reopen their doors when this pandemic has passed.” (Sen. Moran, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JOHN RISCH (R-ID), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman: “No one likes to spend this amount of money, but the crisis we find ourselves in compels us to take drastic and decisive measures to protect millions of American lives and livelihoods. The CARES Act provides a lifeline to our nation’s economy, business owners, workers, medical professionals and those on the front lines of the outbreak, and the people and families battling COVID-19.” (Sen. Risch, Press Release, 3/26/2020)

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: “[T]here are a lot of good things in here. There is money for healthcare providers, nurses, doctors, and hospitals. There are so many good things. The country is under siege. I was one of the first Republicans to join my Democratic colleagues…. I am very much for this bill that does help a lot of people.” (Sen. Graham, Congressional Record, S.2045-2046, 3/25/2020)

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI), Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Chairman: “The CARES Act is a prime example. Although far from perfect, the CARES Act does address many of the problems caused by coronavirus. American workers who’ve lost their jobs because their employers had to shut down need financial support… And funds must be provided to our health care system to take care of patients and develop and produce effective therapies and vaccines. It was essential that Congress provide this support, which is why I voted in favor of it. … With the CARES Act passed we must remain united as a nation to limit the spread of coronavirus and to keep the elderly and vulnerable safe…” (Sen. Johnson, @SenRonJohnson, Twitter, 3/25/2020)


‘The United States Is Currently Facing What Could Be The Most Serious Public Health Emergency And Economic Crisis In Our Nation’s History’ So ‘The CARES Act Is All About Alleviating Human Suffering, Both From A Health And Financial Standpoint,’ Therefore ‘This Recovery Package [Passed] With [A] Strong Bipartisan Vote’

SEN. MARTHA McSALLY (R-AZ): “Arizona, relief is finally on the way! This package sends cash directly to Arizonans to support their basic needs while they stay at home to prevent the spread of coronavirus. I also secured significant resources for Arizona’s tribes, including a new $8 billion relief fund specifically for Indian Country, and ensured they have access to the small business forgiven loans and expanded unemployment benefits. America and Arizona will prevail against this invisible enemy, but we need to ensure Arizonans and their small businesses can hit the ground running once this crisis is over. This sorely needed $2 trillion support and relief package is urgent and the House must pass it right away.” (Sen. McSally, Press Release, 3/26/2020)

SEN. STEVE DAINES (R-MT): “It’s good to see the United States Senate pass a piece of legislation, this recovery package, with strong bipartisan vote. It’s going to bring relief to workers, working families and small business across Montana. I’ve spent a lot of time speaking with countless Montanans over the course of the last several days hearing about the challenges they face as a result of the coronavirus. Tribal leaders, hospital leaders, manufacturers, ski resorts, ag leaders, travel and hospitality leaders across our state and everybody who’s being affected by this. There’s a lot of concern. We’re going to get through this as Montanans. We’re independent. We’re tough.” (Sen. Daines, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. CORY GARDNER (R-CO): “Coloradans and the American people need our help now more than ever and this bill delivers that relief. My office and I have been in constant conversation with Governor Polis, Colorado’s medical professionals, families, small business owners, and workers across every industry. The CARES Act provides approximately $2 trillion in direct economic relief and support for our frontline healthcare providers, assistance to help ensure businesses can afford to keep employees on staff and assurances that we will get through this together. The longer Congress waits to act, more Americans will suffer. Now that the Senate has approved the CARES Act, the House must do the same. No excuses, no delays – the American people need relief now.” (Sen. Gardner, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. THOM TILLIS (R-NC): “The bill I supported will provide every individual in North Carolina who reported taxes in 2018, 2019, or revenue through social security, will be eligible for a one time check in the amount of $1,200 per adult, $500 per child, subject to certain limits at the upper scale of the income. So after $75,000 up to $100,000, the payment will be reduced, but you will get some economic support. The whole idea of this one-time payment is to help people bridge the gap while we fight the virus.” (Sen. Tillis, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. KELLY LOEFFLER (R-GA): “After days of their delays, we are now taking action to protect our health care professionals, strengthen our hospitals and treatments, and support hardworking families and small businesses who are the heartbeat of America. As President Trump said, this is a war-like situation. We must act to get the American people back on their feet. I am pleased that the legislation we passed today includes bills I championed to fund rural health and telehealth programs as well as to prevent shortages of essential medical devices, like masks, respirators and ventilators. The American people are right to expect Congress to rise to the moment, just as they have. It is time to help small business keep employees on payroll, put money directly into the hands of families and stabilize our economy amid this unprecedented health and economic crisis. We need to quickly turn to executing on the promises made to ensure America is strong and healthy. May God bless our country as we recover.” (Sen. Loeffler, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): “This bill sends desperately needed funding to hospitals that are struggling to manage an influx of patients and helps fight the shortage of masks and other personal protective equipment. … This legislation will also provide relief for small businesses that are struggling to stay afloat. With both the physical and economic health of our country in crisis, this bold legislation is our best path forward. The American people are depending on us to respond responsibly in a bipartisan way during an emergency like this, and we cannot let them down.” (Sen. Cornyn, Press Release, 3/26/2020)

SEN. DAVID PERDUE (R-GA): “The United States is currently facing what could be the most serious public health emergency and economic crisis in our nation’s history. It’s going to require extraordinary measures by all Americans to mitigate the long-term impact. While this Phase Three COVID-19 response package is not perfect, it provides historic liquidity to protect American workers and employers. … As a former business leader, I know it’s critical that we focus our continued efforts primarily on the number one asset that any business has: its employees. Focusing on keeping our employees healthy and employed, as this bill does, will allow us to accelerate economic activity as we rebound from this crisis. This is an unprecedented time for all of us, but I have no doubt this country will rise to the challenge and emerge stronger than before.” (Sen. Perdue, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. CINDY HYDE-SMITH (R-MS): “There isn’t a single facet of our society that is not being touched by the coronavirus pandemic. The CARES Act is all about alleviating human suffering, both from a health and financial standpoint. A lot of bipartisan input went into this legislation, which we’ve been waiting days to pass. It is not perfect and may require fine-tuning, but it is what the people of Mississippi and this country need in these unprecedented times. It will begin to provide immediate and targeted assistance where it is needed most.” (Sen. Hyde-Smith, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. DAN SULLIVAN (R-AK): “As our state and nation face the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has an essential role to play in helping hard-working families, keeping Alaskans employed, delivering rapid relief to small businesses, helping critical sectors of the economy avoid massive layoffs, and sending a surge of resources to medical professionals on the front lines—all of which the CARES Act does.” (Sen. Sullivan, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R-WV): “I said from the very beginning that we needed to put partisan politics aside because this is not a partisan issue. This is not about Republican or Democrat. This is about an American response. After days of seemingly forgetting that, the Senate was finally able to come together and reach an agreement to deliver care to those who need it most right now. To be clear: this package is almost identical to the package we started with on a few days ago, and the changes that were made likely would have been made even if we had invoked cloture a few days ago. While we should have done this days ago, I am glad the Senate has passed this critical legislation.” (Sen. Capito, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA): “The Coronavirus epidemic has damaged our physical and our economic health. This bill supports the economic health of individuals, families and employers. It also advances the fight to make us safe from the disease.” (Sen. Cassidy, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): “Here at home, a strange and unsettling hush has fallen over much of the country, as businesses close and millions of Americans brace for what’s to come. In New York, Seattle, New Orleans, and elsewhere, preparation for the virus has ended. The virus has arrived in force. The urgent battle to suppress it has begun. In emergency rooms and ICUs, courageous doctors and nurses are already locked in a battle to save the lives of their patients. Protective gear is in short supply, but their regard for safety and even family comes second to their duty…. [T]he Senate … finally pass[ed] desperately needed emergency legislation for our nation-including a massive infusion of funds to our health-care system. But this legislation isn’t about stimulus-it’s about survival.” (Sen. Cotton, Remarks, 3/25/2020)

SEN. MIKE ROUNDS (R-SD): “As a nation, we’re all feeling the effects of this unprecedented crisis. I’m glad we were able to come together to provide immediate, direct relief to South Dakota families and businesses, while at the same time taking steps to stabilize our economy. It is not a perfect bill, but it gets resources to state and local governments, who know the needs of their communities better than anyone else. It also removes regulatory barriers so businesses can get people the help they need during this time of crisis…. We understand the seriousness of initiating legislation of this magnitude. However, if we fail to act and respond appropriately, the cost to our citizens and our economy as a whole would be devastating. The federal government has a responsibility to act in emergency situations, such as this, to protect lives and safeguard our country from undue harm. Today, the Senate fulfilled this important duty.” (Sen. Rounds, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. BEN SASSE (R-NE): “This bill has lots and lots of good stuff in it. I intend to support it…. The $350 billion for the Small Business Administration--it is trying to build bridge loan programs that help employers and employees be connected and remain connected through this downturn.” (Sen. Sasse, Congressional Record, S.2046-2047, 3/25/2020)

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): “This is a tough time for Tennesseans, and over the last few weeks, I have spoken with dozens of employees, small and large business owners, and gig economy workers. They have shared with me their stories of joblessness, dreams shattered through no fault of their own. They have asked for help to bridge the economic shutdown due to the pandemic. Our heath care workers have asked for supplies and financial support to meet the needs of our fellow citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation provides the requested assistance. I thank President Trump and Leader McConnell for their focus and leadership in securing passage. This is timely, targeted, temporary relief that will assist Tennesseans as we defeat the corona virus. My efforts to include language aiding sole proprietors and independent contractors will ensure that individuals like Music City’s songwriters and musicians receive help, as well. I also included provisions to protect health care providers from frivolous lawsuits when they volunteer during a public health emergency, and to expand broadband service and telehealth access.” (Sen. Blackburn, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): “The CARES Act is the best path open to preserving and reviving our economy as we battle the coronavirus in Louisiana communities and around the country. Of course, this bill is far from perfect, but it gives families, workers and employers the resources they need to be resilient. This virus poses a unique health risk, and we know that poverty can also threaten lives. Understanding that, I voted today to protect the wellbeing of Louisianans now and into the future by investing in medical services, families, workers and businesses.” (Sen. Kennedy, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): “[W]e’re facing an extraordinary crisis, and it requires an extraordinary response. It requires all of us to rise above petty partisanship, to step up and lead, and take every precaution necessary to protect human life. That’s what we did here today. The bill we passed unanimously is not a stimulus. It is a bridge over a flood that the federal government triggered in an effort to save lives.” (Sen. Cruz, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R-UT): “We cannot afford to wait any longer to send relief to those who need it. With provisions to help businesses retain their employees, expand unemployment insurance to immediately assist those who have been laid off, and deliver direct relief in the form of cash, this relief package supports workers, families, and businesses in Utah and across the country. It also strengthens our medical supply chain and includes much-needed resources for our health care personnel on the front lines of this crisis. The Senate and House should pass this bill and get it to the president’s desk.” (Sen. Romney, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. KEVIN CRAMER (R-ND): “The Phase Three package injects immediate help directly where it’s needed most. Our bipartisan plan bolsters the economy, protects American workers and families, assists small businesses, and increases funding for health care facilities and life-saving medical equipment as we work toward a cure for this virus. The best way to end the economic uncertainty caused by COVID—19 is to combat the pandemic itself. I urge the House to pass this package right away and send it to President Trump’s desk. The American people have waited long enough.” (Sen. Cramer, Press Release, 3/26/2020)

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): “Finally, after days of Democrats playing political games, relief is coming for families, workers, small businesses, and health care professionals across South Carolina and the country. COVID-19 not only endangers our health, but has also presented the biggest economic challenge our nation has seen in a decade. This package, while not perfect, will provide immediate financial assistance for those in need, help our small businesses keep their doors open, and keep our amazing health care providers safer.” (Sen. Tim Scott, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. MIKE BRAUN (R-IN): “The coronavirus impacts our health and our economy, and I will be supporting this assistance package which provides massive assistance for our hospitals and those on the frontlines fighting this virus, reaches out to directly help workers keep their jobs and provide immediate help to those who have lost their jobs, and provides the single largest Main Street assistance program in history for small business owners to keep their doors open, which I was personally involved with securing.” (Sen. Braun, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. RICK SCOTT (R-FL): “There are many good things in this bill – more funding for our health care workers, personal protective equipment and expanded testing, and more support for small businesses. I was also glad that negotiators included many of the recommendations I’ve been making over the last few weeks. … Today, the Senate has taken significant steps to support American workers and small businesses that are struggling. But we CANNOT forget that the best economic stimulus is to stem the spread of the Coronavirus and get the American people back to work. I will focus every day on what I can do to make that a reality.” (Sen. Rick Scott, Press Release, 3/26/2020)

SEN. JAMES LANKFORD (R-OK): “The Senate has taken action to meet the needs of Oklahomans and their families. Every aspect of our communities is being affected by this crisis, and it’s critical that Congress provide much-needed support and assistance in this unprecedented time of need. Every American is called to stop this pandemic by taking action to slow the spread of the virus for 15 days. This comes at a great consequence to many American workers and small businesses. This bill is targeted at the heart of our Oklahoma economy—small businesses, the workers they employ, and the families they serve.” (Sen. Lankford, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. DEB FISCHER (R-NE): “We are in a crisis. We must provide people with relief and get our economy on the road to recovery, and that is exactly what the bipartisan legislation we passed today does. It includes relief for individuals, families, businesses, and communities. For small businesses, it ensures that they can keep their employees working and don’t have to shut their doors for good. For health care providers and first responders, it includes substantial hospital funding as well as my bipartisan bill with Rep. Bacon to help produce a sufficient supply of respirator masks. For communities, it creates a new coronavirus relief fund with $150 billion for state and local governments to help them address this pandemic.  And for agriculture, which provides one in four Nebraska jobs, it increases emergency response funding for producers impacted by COVID-19. We need to battle this virus, provide relief to our people through this stressful time, and get our economy stabilized.” (Sen. Fischer, Press Release, 3/25/2020)

SEN. JOHN BOOZMAN (R-AR): “Across the country we’ve seen mass layoffs and record numbers of Americans file for unemployment as people have been asked to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Hardworking Arkansans need confidence they are going to make it through these challenging financial times. The CARES Act delivers immediate assistance to workers and families, and support for small businesses. I urge members of the House of Representatives to swiftly pass this legislation.” (Sen. Boozman, Press Release, 3/26/2020)



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