
The Budget: A Return To Regular Order

Dems ‘Defiantly Refused’ To Pass A Budget Four Out Of The Past Five Years

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This budget is another example of the new Senate getting back to work for the American people. ... This balanced budget is all about growing an economy that can work better for the Middle Class of today, and leaving a more prosperous future to the Middle Class of tomorrow.” (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 3/23/15)


2010 – ‘Budget Woes? Just Don't Pass One, Democrats Say’

“…Democrats …simply refusing to pass a budget resolution this election year.” (“Budget Woes? Just Don't Pass One, Democrats Say,” The Baltimore Sun, 5/24/10)

  • “Many nervous Democrats would just as soon not debate a budget resolution this year…” (“An Unappetizing Budget Year,” National Journal, 4/30/10)

“The Senate Budget Committee approved in April a five-year budget resolution… But the measure never went to the Senate floor…” (“Conrad: Enforcement Package Possible,” National Journal’s Congress Daily, 7/15/10)


2011 – Dem Leadership: Passing A Budget ‘Foolish’

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “‘There's no need to have a Democratic budget in my opinion… It would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage.” (“Harry Reid: ‘Foolish’ For Democrats To Offer Budget Plan,” LA Times, 5/20/11)

POLITICO: “A growing number of Senate Democrats are anxious about the lack of a Democratic budget… unnerved some Democrats… caused the most angst among Democratic senators.” (“Dems Grumble Over Reid Agenda,” Politico, 6/7/11)


2012 – Dems ‘Defiantly Refused’ To Pass A Budget

“…Democratic leaders have defiantly refused to lay out their own vision for how to deal with federal debt and spending… centrists in the 53-member Democratic conference expressed frustration with their party’s budget inaction.” (“Lack Of Budget Irks Moderate Dems,” Politico, 5/15/12)

  • “Freshman Sen. Joe Manchin has often said he would have been ‘impeached’ if he failed to produce a budget as West Virginia governor, though he conceded there are differences between the state and Senate budget processes. ‘Sure I have a problem with [failing to offer a budget]. As a former governor, my responsibility was to put a budget forward and balance it, so anyone who comes from the executive mindset has a problem with that. I don’t care if you’re Democrat or Republican,’ Manchin said in an interview.” (“Lack Of Budget Irks Moderate Dems,” Politico, 5/15/12)


2013 – ‘No Budget No Pay Act … Forced Senate Democrats To Act On Their First Budget In Four Years’

‘The No Budget No Pay Act that House Republicans crafted in January … forced Senate Democrats to act on their first budget in four years’ “The No Budget No Pay Act that House Republicans crafted in January as a way to put off the debt-ceiling debate until later this year made some inroads in the quest to return to regular order. It forced Senate Democrats to act on their first budget in four years by requiring that lawmakers' pay be withheld if the chamber did not pass a budget resolution by April 15.” (“'Regular Order' Has A Short Shelf Life,” National Journal, 3/21/13)

  • “Why, after all the omissions and delays, is the Senate acting now - and in such an unusually timely way? … No budget, no pay: For the first time, senators (and other members of Congress) won't get paid unless they pass a budget resolution.” (“Why, After All These Years, The Senate Is Working On A Budget,” Christian Science Monitor, 3/13/13)

“…Democrats stumbled across the finish line and passed their first federal budget plan in four years.” (“Senate Passes Its First Budget Plan In Four Years,” The Baltimore Sun, 3/24/13)


2014 – Once Again, ‘Democrats … Won’t Bother Passing Their Own Budget’

“Senate Democrats won't do a fiscal 2015 budget resolution this year, saying it's not necessary -- a move that conveniently insulates them from having to take tough votes in an election year even as the Congressional Budget Office estimates that gross federal debt is on pace to hit $27 trillion in 10 years.” (“With Elections Looming And Debt Rising, Senate Democrats Won't Put Out Fiscal 2015 Budget,” Washington Examiner, 2/28/14)

“Democrats in the U.S. Senate won't bother passing their own budget this year…” (“U.S. Senate Democrats Do Not Plan To Pass Budget This Year: Murray,” Reuters, 2/28/14)



Related Issues: Budget, Back to Work, Restoring the Senate