
Obamacare Costs ‘Almost Gave Me A Heart Attack’

‘Rate Hikes Of More Than 50% In Some Areas’

‘Obamacare Was Supposed To Reduce Health Expenses For Americans, But That’s Not How It’s Working Out’

“People nationwide expect to pay more in health care plan premiums under the Affordable Care Act in 2017…” (“Health Care Plans To Increase Nationwide Under Affordable Care Act In 2017,” Fox17, 10/18/16)

“Obamacare was supposed to reduce health expenses for Americans, but that’s not how it’s working out... [H]ealth-care costs continue to rise and eat up a bigger percentage of household budgets.” (“Health-Care Costs Eat Up Record 8% Of Household Budgets In Wake Of Obamacare,” MarketWatch, 10/13/2016)

Dem Governor: Obamacare ‘No Longer Affordable’

“Insurer withdrawals from some markets and rate hikes of more than 50% in some areas prompted fears that some insurance marketplaces were at risk of collapsing.” (“Regulators Approve Higher Health Premiums To Strengthen Obamacare Insurers,” USA Today, 10/19/16)

“Finalized rates for big health insurance plans around the country show the magnitude of the challenge facing the Obama administration as it seeks to stabilize the insurance market under the Affordable Care Act in its remaining weeks in office.” (“Rate Increases For Health Plans Pose Serious Test For Obama’s Signature Law,” Wall Street Journal, 10/18/16)

MINNESOTA: “Minnesota's Democratic governor said Wednesday that the Affordable Care Act is ‘no longer affordable’ for many, a stinging critique from a state leader who strongly embraced the law and proudly proclaimed health reform was working in Minnesota just a few years ago. Gov. Mark Dayton made the comments while addressing questions about Minnesota's fragile health insurance market, where individual plans are facing double-digit increases after all insurers threatened to exit the market entirely in 2017.” (“Democrat Dayton: Health Law 'No Longer Affordable' For Many,” The Associated Press, 10/12/2016)

  • “Few states have embraced the health care law more strongly than Minnesota under Dayton... But after several years of steadily increasing premiums, top state regulators said this fall that Minnesota's individual market is in ‘a state of emergency.’ The state scrambled to stop all seven companies that sell insurance directly to consumers or through the state exchange, MNsure, from fleeing for 2017, but the state's largest insurer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, is still exiting.” (“Democrat Dayton: Health Law 'No Longer Affordable' For Many,” The Associated Press, 10/12/2016)

ARIZONA: “'Obamacare' in Arizona: 2 remaining insurers hike rates by 50-75 percent. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona will sell marketplace plans in all counties but Maricopa, hiking rates 51 percent. Centene Corp. will sell ‘Ambetter’ plans in Maricopa, with 74.5 percent rate hike.” (“'Obamacare' In Arizona: 2 Remaining Insurers Hike Rates By 50-75 Percent,” Arizona Republic, 10/19/16)

PENNSYLVANIA: “Pennsylvania regulators approved individual plan rate increases Monday of 33%, which is eight points higher than requested.” (“Regulators Approve Higher Health Premiums To Strengthen Obamacare Insurers,” USA Today, 10/19/16)

NORTH CAROLINA: “Rates will soar. Blue Cross raised 2016 premiums for its marketplace plans by one-third, on average, making its coverage in Greensboro and some other communities more expensive than its competitors’. It sought another 19 percent hike for 2017, then asked for more after Aetna’s decision [to leave the North Carolina marketplace]. While the state will not disclose final rates until late this month, [Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina chief executive Brad] Wilson confirmed that regulators have agreed to the higher amount, averaging about 24 percent — a main reason the insurer is staying.” (“In North Carolina, ACA Insurer Defections Leave Little Choice For Many Consumers,” The Washington Post, 10/14/2016)

OKLAHOMA: “Brace yourself for a big health insurance increase if you have Blue Cross Blue Shield. The company is proposing a 76 percent increase of all individual Affordable Care Act compliant plans.” (“Oklahoma Health Insurance Premiums Expected To Spike In 2017,” News 9 Oklahoma City, 10/04/2016)

GEORGIA:Shela Bryan, 63, has been comparing prices for individual health insurance plans since May, and she can't believe what she has been seeing. ‘They cost a thousand, $1,200 [a month], and they have a deductible of $6,000,’ she said. ‘I don't know how they think anyone can afford that.’ Bryan, who lives in Hull, Ga., ... is turning to the individual insurance market in what is shaping up to be the most expensive year for the 400,000 or so consumers in Georgia who buy their own policies...” (“Rising Premiums Rankle People Paying Full Price For Health Insurance,” Kaiser Health News, 10/07/2016)

DELAWARE: “Delaware Obamacare rates increasing again ... Delawareans who have Obamacare plans and are not eligible for federal subsidies or tax credits will face increases of up to 35 percent to their monthly premiums starting in January...” (“Delaware Obamacare Rates Increasing Again,” The News Journal, 10/06/2016)

TENNESSEE: “BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee was granted a 62 percent rate hike, while state officials approved a 46 percent increase for Cigna.” (“Rising Premiums Rankle People Paying Full Price For Health Insurance,” Kaiser Health News, 10/07/2016)

FLORIDA: “Florida authorities gave plans there an average 19 percent bump.” (“Rising Premiums Rankle People Paying Full Price For Health Insurance,” Kaiser Health News, 10/07/2016)

WISCONSIN: “The state insurance commissioner says premiums will rise an average of nearly 16 percent next year for Wisconsin health insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act exchange.” (“Premiums Up 15.9 Percent For Insurers In Federal Exchange,” The Associated Press, 10/10/2016)

SOUTH CAROLINA: “Prices for Obamacare health plans will skyrocket in South Carolina next year, and only one company will sell them, the state Department of Insurance announced Tuesday. Following the departure of Aetna and United Healthcare, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina remains the last option for Affordable Care Act customers in this state... More than 200,000 Obamacare shoppers in South Carolina face fewer choices for coverage next year. They should also expect sticker prices for their premiums to increase an average 27 percent.” (“Obamacare Customers In South Carolina Face Fewer Choices, Higher Prices Next Year,” The Post and Courier, 10/04/2016)

MONTANA: “State officials Wednesday released the final 2017 rates for health insurance on Montana’s individual market, with average increases ranging from 27 percent to 58 percent.” (“2017 Individual Market Health-Insurance Rates Filed; Average Increase Up To 58%,” MTN News, 9/14/2016)

COLORADO: “Colorado residents who buy their health insurance themselves will pay 20 percent more on average next year, and, for the first time, residents in 14 counties will have the choice of only one carrier offering plans in their area via the state health insurance exchange.” (“Colorado Health-Insurance Rates To Jump 20 Percent On Average For Individual Buyers In 2017,” The Denver Post, 9/20/2016)

Obamacare: ‘The Craziest Thing In The World’

“President Barack Obama said his signature health-care law has ‘real problems’…” (Bloomberg, 10/3/16)

FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON on the consequences of Obamacare: “It’s the craziest thing in the world.” (“Bill Clinton Bashes Obamacare As ‘Crazy System’ While Campaigning For Hillary,” The Washington Times, 10/4/16)


Related Issues: Health Care, Obamacare, Middle Class