
Editorials: Dems ‘Should Stand Down’ On SCOTUS Filibuster Threat

‘Maybe A Few Democrats Will Show Some Backbone’ And Refuse To Join An ‘Assault On Reasoned Governance’

‘Democrats Are Doing The Nation A Disservice … They Should Stand Down’

CHICAGO TRIBUNE: “In [last] week's Senate confirmation hearings, Gorsuch has shown himself to be committed to the principle that judges should rule on the law as written, and apply it equally to all. … Democrats' questioning Tuesday and Wednesday was aggressive. But their attempts to trip up Gorsuch, revealing deficiencies that might disqualify him, elicited the opposite: unassailable assurances by Gorsuch that he would decide each case on the merits, based on the law as written, applied to the world as it is today. Democrats struggled to find offense with that judicial philosophy.” (Editorial, “Neil Gorsuch Earns His Supreme Court Seat,” Chicago Tribune, 3/22/17)

BOSTON HERALD: “So the top Democrat in the U.S. Senate, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer made it official yesterday — he will lead a filibuster of Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court. What a pity. And how utterly shameful…” (Editorial, “Shame On Senate Dems,” The Boston Herald, 3/24/17)

BILLINGS GAZETTE: “Note to Democrats: Spare us the lectures about doing the right thing. …no more lectures about swamps and their need to be drained because Democrats would seem to be wallowing in the muck on this one.” (Editorial, “Democrats Refuse To Rise Above Petty Partisan Politics,” Billings Gazette, 3/24/17)

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: “Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee to the high court, withstood a murder board of questions last week to prove himself to be an extraordinarily qualified, whip-smart jurist with exemplary judicial temperament.” (Editorial, “Make him Justice Gorsuch,” New York Daily News, 3/26/17)

QUAD-CITY TIMES: “U.S. Senate Democrats don't have much political capital to burn. So, it'd be foolish to use it all fighting the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Frankly, there are better hills to die on right now. And Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth had better realize it fast. …Gorsuch is eminently qualified for the post. One mustn't share his perspective on politics and law to acknowledge that objective fact.” (Editorial, “Democrats Can Only Lose By Blocking Gorsuch,” Quad-City Times, 3/26/17)

  • “Democrats don't have the votes to block Gorsuch forever. Digging in and stalling through filibuster, as Minority Leader Chuck Schumer promised, would constitute … [an] assault on reasoned governance… And Schumer's gamble would dare Republicans to go ‘nuclear’ and amend Senate rules to scuttle the very 60-vote threshold that makes Democrats relevant in the first place. In this fight, Democrats will ultimately lose.” (Editorial, “Democrats Can Only Lose By Blocking Gorsuch,” Quad-City Times, 3/26/17)
  • “For too long, governance itself has been under siege by political hackery. Pledges to stall Gorsuch at all cost are nothing short of the Democrats straining further an already stressed system. …burning the house down with a protracted, made-for-television filibuster would be just another unnecessarily irrational response in the name of politics. There's too much of that already.  Gorsuch is most certainly qualified. That's enough to render Democrats guilty of the same crimes they've long railed against, should they follow through with the filibuster.” (Editorial, “Democrats Can Only Lose By Blocking Gorsuch,” Quad-City Times, 3/26/17)

DENVER POST: “Colorado’s senior senator, Democrat Michael Bennet, is blowing an important opportunity to stand up for our state and nation in sitting on the sidelines while his party foolishly seeks to block the path of Denver native Neil Gorsuch to the highest court in the land. Instead of working all along to stave off his party’s expected effort to block Gorsuch, Bennet kept his silence. Now, despite Gorsuch’s laudable performance throughout his confirmation hearings, the Senate’s top Democrat, Chuck Schumer of New York, is officially calling on his fellow senators to filibuster. … If Bennet wants to be known for representing Colorado, and not resting on his East Coast elitist pedigree, he should demonstrate the same kind of autonomy and courage Gorsuch already has exhibited.” (Editorial, “Michael Bennet Should Buck Democrats And Speak Up For Neil Gorsuch,” The Denver Post, 3/23/17)

WALL STREET JOURNAL: “So much for Senate deliberation. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch had barely finished his testimony when Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Thursday that he would vote against the judge and demand 60 votes for confirmation.” (Editorial, “Schumer’s Gorsuch Gambit,” Wall Street Journal, 3/24/17)

OMAHA WORLD-HERALD: “Federal Judge Neil Gorsuch showed himself to be level-headed and substantive in handling the day and a half of grilling before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Gorsuch, a Coloradan on the 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, demonstrated that he has the makings to be an energetic, serious-minded member of the Supreme Court. Nominated to fill the seat held by the late Antonin Scalia, Gorsuch is eminently worthy of approval by the Senate.” (Editorial, “Senate Should Vote To Confirm,” The Omaha World-Herald, 3/24/17)

LOWELL SUN: “Partisan politics aside, there's no question Neil Gorsuch possesses the qualifications and temperament to be the high court's ninth justice. However, since obstruction politics remains the order of the day, it may be difficult for him to sway enough Democrats to reach the 60 votes he needs to be confirmed by the full Senate. Maybe a few Democrats will show some backbone, break with party ranks, and give Gorsuch the vote he deserves. If not, the Republican majority may be forced to amend the rules and confirm Gorsuch with a simple majority.” (Editorial, “There's No Reason To Deny Neil Gorsuch,” The Lowell Sun, 3/24/2017)

GRAND JUNCTION DAILY SENTINEL: “Perhaps another nominee would make this a hill worth dying on. But nominating Gorsuch is arguably the highlight of President Trump’s nascent administration. Democrats simply aren’t going to do better than accepting Gorsuch as a justice. He has a proven track record, outstanding credentials and respect for the rule of law. … He clearly passes the character and competence tests, so Democrats risk perpetuating confirmation wars over a nominee with extensive qualifications.” (Editorial, “Democrats Should Confirm Gorsuch,” The Daily Sentinel [CO], 3/28/17)

THE DAY: “Democratic Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York should abandon his push to filibuster the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch…” (Editorial, “Don’t Filibuster Gorsuch Supreme Court Vote,” The Day [New London, CT], 3/26/17)

NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER: “During his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Judge Neil Gorsuch gave Democrats no good reason to oppose his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Of course, Democrats don’t need a good reason. They can do it anyway.” (Editorial, “Confirm Gorsuch: Dems Plan Pointless Filibuster,” New Hampshire Union-Leader, 3/26/2017)

THE TENNESSEAN: “Gorsuch underwent days of Judiciary Committee hearings last week and answered some tough questions from senators about his judicial philosophy and past decisions. He may not square ideologically with many Democrats, but Gorsuch has shown himself to be an intelligent and thoughtful jurist.” (Editorial, “Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch Deserves A Vote,” The Tennessean, 3/28/2017)


Related Issues: Supreme Court, Nominations, Judicial Nominations, Senate Democrats