Dem Demagoguery Debunked
JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION: ‘There’s Nothing [In The Chairman’s Mark] That Mandates That People Give Up Insurance’
SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY): “I’ve been hearing this word that [repeal of the individual mandate tax is] going to ‘kick’ 13 million people off health insurance. Is there anything in there that says we’re going to ‘kick’ anybody off?”
Joint Committee On Taxation: “The result in terms of changes in the uninsured is a result of decisions made. There’s nothing that mandates that people give up insurance. It’s an economic decision.”
SEN. ENZI: “That’s the way that I read it and the way that I hear it from people at home.” (U.S. Senate Finance Committee Hearing, Hour 2:40:15, 11/15/2017)
JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION: ‘The Chairman’s Mark Had No Provision Related To Medicaid’
SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): “Let’s get some clarification, because we’ve heard quite some extraordinary comments from the other side. Mr. Barthold, can you tell me where in the bill is the text that disqualifies people from Medicaid?”
THOMAS BARTHOLD, Joint Committee On Taxation: “The chairman’s mark had no provision related to Medicaid, it was really just tax provisions sir.”
SEN. TOOMEY: “There’s no provision that disqualifies people for Medicaid?”
BARTHOLD: “Not in the mark as modified.”
SEN. TOOMEY: “It doesn’t disqualify anyone from Medicaid.” (U.S. Senate Finance Committee, Hearing, Hour 2:05:00, 11/15/2017)
JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION: ‘No Changes In Terms Of Medicare’
SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): “How about Medicare?”
THOMAS BARTHOLD, Joint Committee On Taxation: “No changes in terms of Medicare.”
SEN. TOOMEY: “Nobody is disqualified from Medicare whatsoever.”
BARTHOLD: “That’s correct.” (U.S. Senate Finance Committee, Hearing, Hour 2:05:00, 11/15/2017)
Related Issues: Entitlement Reform, Senate Democrats, Middle Class, Taxes, Tax Reform, Health Care, Obamacare
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