
Chuck Schumer’s Do-Nothing Show-Vote Summer

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Has Gleefully Spent The Senate’s Summer Floor Time On A Series Of Transparently Political Show Votes, Leaving The National Defense Authorization Act To Languish, Failing To Get Anywhere On The Farm Bill, And Allowing No Time For Appropriations Bills

SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The Senate is preparing to leave town for the August state work period. But there’s no mistaking that our most important business here in Washington remains unfinished. Let’s take a look at how the Senate has spent its summer so far.  In June, the Democratic Leader called up a series of show votes, spending precious floor time on what Senate Democrats seem to have thought would be political home-runs…. If June was the month of fear-mongering, July was the month of giving unqualified nominees lifetime promotions to the federal bench…. Congress has real work in front of us. Some of which really should be behind us by now – from the National Defense Authorization Act to the Farm Bill to annual appropriations. Our colleagues on the Armed Services Committee reported the NDAA by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote over a month ago. But so far, the Democratic Leader hasn’t come close to putting this must-pass authorizing legislation right here on the floor. Of course, urgent national security priorities won’t fund themselves, either. The Senate hasn’t cleared a defense appropriations bill, or any other government funding, for that matter. Well, at least FY 25 appropriations have been written. The Farm Bill that’s supposed to help America’s growers and producers succeed doesn’t even exist yet. Apparently, it’s just a twinkle in Chair Stabenow’s eye. Mr. President, the American people sent us here to do a job. And a show-vote summer can’t hide the fact that Senate Democrats’ majority isn’t earning its keep.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 7/30/2024)


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Wasted The Senate’s Summer On Partisan Show Votes

“[A] slew of partisan party-line votes that are only designed to score political points.” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/30/2024)

“Senate Republican leaders have condemned the ‘show’ vote strategy as an effort to divide their party and boost vulnerable Democratic incumbents. A critical aspect of the GOP pushback has been to call for Schumer to instead use floor time on the annual defense authorization bill. The Armed Services Committee sent it to the floor last month.” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/05/2024)

·       SENATE REPUBLICAN WHIP JOHN THUNE (R-SD): “These are simply opportunities for the Democrats to provide some political cover for some of their incumbents who are in political trouble this year.” (The Washington Times, 7/10/2024)

·       SENATE REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): “He’s [Schumer] playing politics with every vote that’s on the floor in the Senate.” (Punchbowl News PM, 7/29/2024)

·       SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): “[T]hese designed-to-fail votes—or show votes, as you might call them— have become a familiar exercise in the Chamber. Over the last few months, the Majority Leader has scheduled show votes on bills that were guaranteed to fail but maybe provided a talking point or two on the campaign trail. The Senate has held show votes—and by that, I mean votes that are not designed to pass, legislation that has not been processed through the committees—to try to build consensus to see if we can get a major or supermajority of the Senate behind them. The majority leader has scheduled these show votes on bills relating to the border, to contraception, to abortion, to in vitro fertilization, and, now, tax policy—all designed-to-fail show votes, not serious legislating… [T]he Senate needs to complete things like paying the bills, appropriations, the Defense authorization bill, the farm bill, all of which need to be done before the end of this year …” (Sen. Cornyn, Congressional Record, S5646, 7/31/2024)

Schumer Began His Show Vote Summer With ‘An Attempt To Flip The Script On Immigration Politics’

“Senate Democrats plan to force a vote Thursday on the bipartisan border security package … an attempt to flip the script on immigration politics, a major vulnerability for President Joe Biden.” (NBC News, 5/20/2024)

Schumer Then Spent June And July On Stunt Votes On Abortion

“It began [In May] with the border security deal … Now, Schumer is teeing up a series of votes on abortion-related legislation for June …” (Punchbowl News AM, 6/05/2024)

·       “A bill to safeguard access to contraceptives failed to advance in a U.S. Senate vote on Wednesday, after congressional Democrats forced the vote …” (Reuters, 6/05/2024)

·       “Republicans have criticized the contraception bill, saying one of its provisions would infringe on religious freedoms … Instead, the GOP called for advancing an alternative contraception bill from Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa. Her bill would grant priority review for some over-the-counter oral contraceptives …” (Roll Call, 6/05/2024)

·       “The Senate on Thursday rejected a push to protect access to in vitro fertilization, a vote that was expected to fail … All 49 Senate Republicans signed a statement released Thursday ahead of the vote saying that ‘Senate Democrats have embraced a Summer of Scare Tactics.’ It’s ‘a partisan campaign of false fearmongering intended to mislead and confuse the American people. In vitro fertilization is legal and available in every state across our nation,’ they wrote. ‘We strongly support continued nationwide access to IVF, which has allowed millions of aspiring parents to start and grow their families.’” (USA Today, 6/13/2024)

“On the Senate floor this week, Democrats will hold another abortion-related ‘show’ vote.”  (Punchbowl News AM, 7/08/2024)

·       “Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked Democrats from advancing a bill to express support for codifying the federal right to abortion …” (The Washington Times, 7/10/2024)

·       “The vote was 49-44, falling short of the super-majority needed to defeat a filibuster due to broad opposition from Republicans, who dismissed it as a political stunt.” (NBC News, 7/10/2024)

And Schumer Is Ending The Summer As He Began It, This Time On A Tax Bill He Knows Will Fail

“Schumer’s decision to tee up the … tax bill this week is a continuation of what Republicans have dubbed Schumer’s ‘summer of show votes.’” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/30/2024)

·       “It’s a show vote & will fail. Senate Republicans are almost uniformly against it. [Sen. Mike] Crapo has been leading the charge on this” (Andrew Desiderio, @AndrewDesiderio, Twitter, 7/29/2024)

·       “And the real intention here – at least on the tax bill – is to help vulnerable Democratic incumbents or force Republicans into a politically uncomfortable position.” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/30/2024)

“Another reason we know this is a show vote is that it’ll take place at the very end of this week — right before the six-week summer recess begins.” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/30/2024)


All Summer, Schumer Has Happily Admitted To The Purely Political Designed-To-Fail Nature Of His Partisan Stunt Votes

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): “Now this week, Senate Democrats intend to pick up where we left off in June …” (Sen. Schumer, Press Conference, 7/09/2024)

“Schumer’s focus this summer will be doing everything he can to protect his most vulnerable incumbents.” (Punchbowl News AM, 5/24/2024)

·       “Schumer confirmed that a major motivation for holding the vote was the plight of his most vulnerable incumbents, regardless of the outcome. ‘Our 2024-ers were very excited about having a vote on this bill — win or lose,’ Schumer told us. ‘They’d rather win, we’d all rather win. But even losing is a benefit.’” (Punchbowl Midday, 7/31/2024)

“The announcement, which came in a dear colleague letter released Sunday, won’t mark the end of Democrats’ efforts to go on the offense on the issue, though. Schumer promised ‘more action to come after that.’” (“Schumer Promises Contraception Vote Wednesday,” Politico, 6/02/2024)

·       “In an interview, Schumer said he is eager to continue needling Republicans on the issue ahead of November’s elections.” (The Wall Street Journal, 6/05/2024)

·       “Thursday’s vote was the latest episode in which Schumer has called votes … on issues that Democrats are highlighting in their campaigns.” (Axios, 6/13/2024)

“In the days and hours leading up to the vote, Democrats and their progressive allies promised to wield it against GOP lawmakers, part of their push to frame the 2024 election as an existential choice …” (Politico, 6/05/2024)

·       “Republicans are dismissing the Schumer campaign as an election-year ploy.” (Punchbowl News AM, 6/05/2024)

Schumer is trying to protect his narrow majority ahead of a tough election in which Democrats are playing defense in several red and purple states.” (“Senate Republicans Block Bill To Protect Access To In Vitro Fertilization,” The Washington Post, 6/13/2024)

·       “With Democrats’ razor-thin, 51-49 majority on the line in November, Schumer is relying on a barrage of ‘show votes…’” (“Schumer’s 2024 ‘Show Vote’ Strategy Targets GOP,” Axios, 6/06/2024)


While Schumer Wasted Time On Show Votes, This Year’s NDAA Has Been Waiting A Month For Floor Action

“Though the Senate could turn to the NDAA as soon as this month before it recesses for August, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hasn’t signaled if or when the bill will come to the floor.” (“Senate Armed Services files its NDAA,” Politico Pro, 7/08/2024)

·       “Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) is pushing to add $2.5 billion for the Philippines to the Senate’s annual defense policy bill to bolster its defenses against China … The success of Hagerty’s amendment depends on the NDAA moving to the Senate floor. A full debate won’t occur before the August recess …” (“Manila Military Aid Boost Stuck In Senate,” Politico Pro, 7/30/2024)

“The Senate’s abbreviated and crowded election-year calendar leaves little time for an NDAA debate, which ordinarily takes more than one work week. Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee, said the time has already passed for getting Senate action on the NDAA before the August recess, and he is pessimistic about passing even after the summer break.” (“Countdown To August Recess Creates Time Crunch For NDAA,” CQ Defense, 7/29/2024)

·       “The upshot is that deferring action on the NDAA until September at the earliest increases the odds that the bill will not come to the Senate floor at all this year and, instead, some version of the Senate Armed Services Committee measure will be reconciled with the House bill in an informal conference by year’s end.” (“Countdown To August Recess Creates Time Crunch For NDAA,” CQ Defense, 7/29/2024)

It’s Been Over A Month Since The Senate Armed Services Committee And The House Of Representatives Passed Their Respective Versions Of The Fiscal Year 2025 NDAA

“The House narrowly passed its version of the nation’s annual defense policy bill on [June 14th]…. Attention now turns to the Senate, where the Senate Armed Services Committee approved its own version [the night before].” (“Dueling Versions Of FY ‘25 National Defense Authorization Act Advance In House And Senate, Major Differences Remain,” 13News Now Hampton Roads, 6/14/2024)

The Senate version of the fiscal 2025 defense authorization bill would authorize roughly $25 billion more for national defense than the Biden administration requested … The bill … was favorably reported to the full Senate … on Thursday. According to an executive summary released by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the bill would provide a total of $923.3 billion for national defense. That includes $878.4 billion for the Defense Department plus $33.4 billion for nuclear programs within the Department of Energy and $11.5 billion for defense-related activities outside the committee’s jurisdiction.” (“Senate NDAA Bill Would Boost Defense Topline By $25 Billion,” CQ News, 6/14/2024)

Majority Leader Schumer Has Allowed The Bill To Collect Dust’

“… Senate Republican leaders have condemned the ‘show’ vote strategy as an effort to divide their party and boost vulnerable Democratic incumbents. A critical aspect of the GOP pushback has been to call for Schumer to instead use floor time on the annual defense authorization bill. The Armed Services Committee sent it to the floor last month. Republicans have cited Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to North Korea as a reason to move swiftly on the must-pass bill, which includes a $25 billion topline increase.” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/05/2024)

SEN. ROGER WICKER (R-MS), Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member: “Just over a year ago, in a late-night vote, after a long, long day, 86 senators stood together and passed the National Defense Authorization Act and advanced American security. As I say, we had spent a full day with debate. We had 24 roll calls. We passed 121 amendments—the most ever adopted on the floor for such a bill—and we overwhelmingly passed the Senate version of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act. We did it in the light of day so that every American could see how their senators stood on important issues. That was last year. Over the past several days, we could have done the same thing with this year’s National Defense Authorization Act. We could have followed the same procedure, but, for whatever reason—and I will speculate on those reasons—the Senate Majority Leader has allowed politics to stand in the way of such progress of our national security obligations … Majority Leader Schumer has allowed the bill to collect dust.” (Sen. Wicker, Congressional Record, S5648, 7/31/2024)

·       SEN. WICKER: “We need to develop the kind of strength that keeps the axis of aggressors from growing stronger. We need to develop the kind of strength that keeps the axis of aggressors from doing anything foolish that would plunge the world into a war. Leader Schumer should appreciate the stakes and urgency of this moment and the need to act now, to send a strong message now, and to do it with the sun shining on it in the light of day. He should have brought the bipartisan NDAA to the floor instead of covering up for the Biden-Harris administration, instead of shielding vulnerable Democrats …” (Sen. Wicker, Congressional Record, S5648, 7/31/2024)

SENATE REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE VICE CHAIR SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R-WV): “In a time when we face some of the most dangerous security environments since World War II, the NDAA should be one of our top legislative priorities. But, unfortunately, Leader Schumer just doesn’t seem to agree. And with the support of my Democrat colleagues, Leader Schumer has spent much of the summer on messaging votes that are crafted with no true intention of making a law, nominations for federal entities, which we’re going to be doing all day today, and the confirmations of judges that—some of them—have no business serving on the bench. This is not what the American people sent us to do for our country. The urgent need to pass the NDAA becomes obvious when you take into account what is currently happening in the world around us.” (Sen. Capito, Congressional Record, S5647, 7/31/2024)

·       SEN. CAPITO: “And here we sit, we’ve got show votes going on, we’ve got nominations going on, and yet, our national defense authorization is still sitting idle after it was passed out of committee. Ronald Reagan said … ‘We know only too well that war comes not when the forces of freedom are strong, but when they are weak.’ And it is then that tyrants are tempted. We know tyrants around the world are tempted and we know that those same tyrants are looking at us and looking for weakness. And this report from the commission is a wakeup call I think for all of us. And we should be voting on the floor this week for the NDAA bill.” (Sen. Capito, Press Conference, 7/30/2024)


Meanwhile, The Farm Bill Is Stalled, With The Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Having Produced Nothing More Than An Outline And Attacks On House Republicans

LEADER McCONNELL: “Certainty and stability oil the engine of American agriculture, which is why farm families in Kentucky and the rest of rural America look to the Farm Bill to provide support and safeguard our food supply. Unfortunately, with the Farm Bill’s September expiration fast approaching, Senate Democrats don’t seem to be in any rush to address farmers’ immediate needs. The Agriculture Committee’s majority has yet to introduce a bill, set a markup, or secure a single minute of floor time with the Democratic Leader.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 6/12/2024)

SEN. JOHN BOOZMAN (R-AR), Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member: “Senate Republicans have every intention of continuing farm bill negotiations in the same manner and remain committed to advancing a bipartisan farm bill that meets the needs of farmers, ranchers, foresters, rural communities and consumers nationwide." (Sen. Boozman, Press Release, 6/11/2024)

·       “Boozman said he hasn’t given up on completing a farm bill this year and that he and other lawmakers are ‘going to work really hard’ to do so. But neither Boozman nor Thompson signaled significant progress toward moving a farm bill in both chambers.” (“Top Ag Republican Offers Bleak Prognosis For Farm Bill,” E&E News, 7/16/2024)

SEN. CINDY HYDE-SMITH (R-MS), Senate Agriculture Committee Member: “[W]e are now well into the month of July and less than three months away from the current Farm Bill extension expiring…. [T]he bottom line is this, Madam President—it’s time to move away from partisan disagreements and instead work on finding common ground. It’s time to graduate from concepts and proposals and instead start advancing actual legislation. Simply put, it’s time for Congress to enact a new Farm Bill – one that our farmers, ranchers, and rural America have been asking for for quite some time.” (Sen. Hyde-Smith, Remarks, 7/10/2024)

‘Time Is Running Out For Congress To Get A Farm Bill Accomplished In 2024’

“Time is running out for Congress to get a farm bill accomplished in 2024.” (“Likelihood Of Getting A Farm Bill Passed This Year Continues To Dwindle,” Brownfield Ag News, 7/08/2024)

·       “The Senate Ag Committee has yet to markup a new farm bill heading into the August recess. Ranking Member John Boozman tells Brownfield there are still differing opinions on the bill and there’s not much time left if a mark up is going to happen before the November election.” (“Boozman: Differences Remain On New Farm Bill,” Brownfield Ag News, 7/24/2024)

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), The Senate Agriculture Committee Chair, Hasn’t Written Any Legislative Text And Instead Is Focusing Her Committee On Sniping At House Republicans, Who Actually Wrote A Farm Bill

“House Ag Chair [Glenn] Thompson [R-PA] took an unusually critical tone towards his Senate counterpart at a hearing … Thompson’s rare public rebuke followed the release of a new report from Senate Agriculture Committee majority staff bashing the farm bill advanced out of the House Ag Committee and highlighting differences in regional priorities between the GOP-led House bill and Stabenow’s framework. ‘She needs to stop criticizing our bill and actually write a bill,’ Thompson said in a brief interview Tuesday.” (Politico Pro’s Morning Agriculture, 7/24/2024)

“With the legislation seemingly stuck, Thompson said at a hearing on the farm economy that he’s open to a negotiation with the Senate, but not until Stabenow proposes bill text to go along with the framework she released months ago. ‘I cannot reconcile nor negotiate a bipartisan 900-page bill with a partisan 90-page summary. For that to be viable, Chairwoman Stabenow needs to unveil her bill text,’ Thompson said.” (“Thompson Hunts For Farm Bill Votes As Stalemate Drags On,” E&E Daily, 7/24/2024)

·       “Stabenow said in an interview last month that her team was working on pieces of bill text, but that her colleagues don’t ‘need bill text, that’s normally hard to read, in order to understand what my farm bill is.’” (Politico Pro’s Morning Agriculture, 7/24/2024)

FLASHBACK: Senate Agriculture Chair Debbie Stabenow said for the first time [February 27th] that she’d rather continue punting on the farm bill than strike a deal with Republicans to limit climate funding and social safety net programs. The parties have been at an impasse in the farm bill talks for months now over those and other competing priorities. Stabenow (D-Mich.), who is retiring at the end of this Congress, has increasingly argued in private that her legacy is contingent upon protecting climate funding in the farm bill, in particular …” (“Stabenow Threatens To Block New Farm Bill This Year Over GOP Demands,” Politico, 2/27/2024)


Not One Appropriations Bill For The Upcoming Fiscal Year Has Been Brought To The Senate Floor

PUNCHBOWL NEWS: ‘Congress drops the ball on annual spending bills — again’ (Punchbowl News AM, 7/31/2024)

“The Senate Appropriations Committee will have approved 11 of the 12 funding bills by [Thursday] … But none of these bills have been to the floor yet.” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/31/2024)

·       “… it means that all 100 senators don’t have a chance to shape the final product. That can only be done on the floor.” (Punchbowl News AM, 7/31/2024)



Related Issues: NDAA, Senate Democrats, Farm Bill, America's Military, Appropriations, National Security