
Better Care Will ‘Begin The End Of Obamacare’

‘The Senate Healthcare Bill Is The Right Bill At The Right Time To Begin The End Of Obamacare And Rescue The American People From This Failed Policy’

PRESIDENT TRUMP: ‘The Senate Is Going To Vote On Legislation To Save Americans From The Obamacare Disaster’

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Next week, the Senate is going to vote on legislation to save Americans from the Obamacare disaster.  Obamacare has wreaked havoc on American lives, and if we don’t replace it, the calamity will only get worse – and I mean, get worse by a lot. … I am pleased to report that we are very, very close to ending this healthcare nightmare – we are so close.” (President Trump, Weekly Address, 7/14/17)

  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Senate health care bill stops the Obamacare disaster, expands choice, and drives down costs – and I want to tell you the Republican Senators are working very hard to get something that’s going to be really, really good – the opposite of the big lie which was Obamacare.” (President Trump, Weekly Address, 7/14/17)

VP PENCE: ‘The Bill Introduced In The Senate Puts America Back On The Path To Better, More Affordable Healthcare For Every American’

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “I’m pleased to report, as you already know, just yesterday Senate leadership unveiled a new version of the Senate healthcare bill, and President Trump and I urge every member of the Senate to support it.  President Trump and I believe the Senate healthcare bill is the right bill at the right time to begin the end of Obamacare and rescue the American people from this failed policy.  And we look forward to the Senate taking up this bill as early as next week. The bill introduced in the Senate puts America back on the path to better, more affordable healthcare for every American.  The Senate healthcare bill repeals Obamacare’s individual and business mandates, and cuts taxes on American families and American businesses, restoring freedom and it will create jobs.” (Vice President Pence, Remarks At The National Governors Association Summer Meeting, 7/14/17)

  • VP PENCE: “The bottom line: That the Senate healthcare act provides for the most vulnerable in our society.  It improves and strengthens Medicaid.  It gives you, America’s governors, the flexibility you need to bring better care, better coverage, and better outcomes to the citizens of your states.  The President and I truly believe it will be a historic day for American healthcare when the President has the privilege to sign this bill into law.” (Vice President Pence, Remarks At The National Governors Association Summer Meeting, 7/14/17)
  • VP PENCE: “The Senate healthcare bill doubles the contribution limits for health savings accounts.  And for the first time ever, it allows health savings accounts to cover insurance premiums.  The bill also offers tax credits to help Americans buy the coverage they want at a price they can afford. … And if you take nothing else from what I say today, know that the Senate healthcare bill gives states the freedom to redesign your health insurance markets.  And, most significantly, under this legislation, states across the country will have an unprecedented level of flexibility to reform Medicaid and bring better coverage, better care, and better outcomes to the most vulnerable in your states.” (Vice President Pence, Remarks At The National Governors Association Summer Meeting, 7/14/17)

SEN. CORNYN: ‘Next Week, The Choice Before The Senate Will Be Clear. We Can Let Obamacare Continue To Harm Millions … Or We Can Help Deliver Better Care’

SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): “These changes are the result of constructive discussions and additional input from our conference over the past two weeks. Members on both sides of the aisle will also have an opportunity to offer their ideas for reform once the Senate moves to debate the bill. Next week, the choice before the Senate will be clear. We can let Obamacare continue to harm millions of families and small businesses, or we can help deliver better care that's more affordable without government mandates.” (Sen. Cornyn, Press Release, 7/13/2017)

SEN. ENZI: ‘The Journey To A Better American Health Care System Begins Here’

SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY): “I don’t know many people who think our health care status quo should be left in place.  We need to make changes. We shared a draft a few weeks ago for everyone to see.  We’ve listened and made revisions.  All senators will have a chance to offer further changes in an open amendment process.  This is how legislating works.” (Sen. Enzi, Press Release, 7/13/2017)

SEN. HATCH: ‘You Should… Want To Have A Debate On This Bill’

SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): “Today, the Majority Leader unveiled a revised discussion draft for legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. … The next vote on this legislation will presumably be whether to let the Senate proceed to the bill.  Regardless of your position on this particular draft, if you support the larger effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, you should, at the very least, want to have a debate on this bill. Under the rules, we’ll have an open amendment process.  Members will get a chance to make their preferences known and to have the Senate vote on them.  Taking that opportunity is the very least we can do.” (Sen. Hatch, Floor Remarks, 7/13/2017)

SEN. CRUZ: ‘I Will Continue To Work Closely With My Colleagues To Unite Our Conference Around A Bill That Can Pass’

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): “For nearly five months, I have been working closely with my Senate colleagues from across the ideological spectrum to honor our commitment to voters, to provide more choices for consumers, put people in control of their healthcare, and most importantly, lower health insurance premiums. I am encouraged that the revised bill ensures consumers have the freedom to choose among more affordable plans that are tailored to their individual healthcare needs, and expands health savings accounts so that consumers can pay health insurance premiums on a pre-tax basis. This is a critical step in the right direction and I will continue to work closely with my colleagues to unite our conference around a bill that can pass, and that honors our promises and that truly lowers premiums, which is crucial to providing relief from Obamacare.” (Sen. Cruz, Press Release, 7/13/2017)

‘Few Votes Will Reveal More About The Principles And Character Of This Congress’

WALL STREET JOURNAL: “Republican leaders unveiled a revised health-care bill on Thursday, setting up a Senate watershed next week. Few votes will reveal more about the principles and character of this Congress.” (Editorial, “ObamaCare Moment of Truth,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/17)

  • WSJ: “Once Senators have time to inspect the new bill, better to vote for the motion to proceed and bring the legislation to the floor. That will start a robust debate and the amendment process. Every idea will get a vote and the public can see which command a majority. Republicans are fast approaching a binary choice. They can either repeal and replace ObamaCare with a center-right reform, or they can collapse in failure…” (Editorial, “ObamaCare Freedom and Failure Options,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/13/17)

NATIONAL REVIEW: “The Senate Health-Care Bill Is a Step in the Right Direction… bill cuts taxes, restrains spending, and — courtesy of the tireless efforts of Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee — modestly deregulates. It ends Obamacare’s obnoxious fines on people who go without health insurance. It would be likely to yield lower premiums than keeping Obamacare as it is — although supporters of the bill should be careful not to promise too much on this front. Its Medicaid reforms would control the growth of that program, give states a stronger incentive to police fraud and seek efficiency, equalize funding between Medicaid’s new beneficiaries and its poorer traditional ones, and provide some help for people who wish to move from Medicaid to private insurance. It could produce a larger individual insurance market by attracting a greater number of young, healthy people who voluntarily choose to enter it.” (Editorial, “The Senate Health-Care Bill Is A Step In The Right Direction,” National Review, 7/17/17)


Related Issues: Middle Class, Obamacare, Health Care