
Another Week Without Action On The NDAA In The Senate

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Let Another Week Slip By Without Moving This Year’s National Defense Authorization Act To The Senate Floor


SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Yesterday, I was proud to attend a joint meeting of Congress and listen to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s message from Israel to America. He reminded us of our nations’ deep friendship, of the savagery of our shared enemies, of the sacrifices brave Israelis are making to combat them on behalf of the entire free world, and of the enduring importance of American leadership. It was a powerful address. I wish more of our colleagues had heard it. But those who needed to hear it the most were otherwise occupied. Vice President Harris was on the campaign trail. Most of the Hamas apologists in Congress boycotted it. And of course, a mob of far-left terrorist sympathizers was too busy vandalizing our nation’s capital to tune in. … In the meantime, as our country reflects with new attention on the roots of political violence, I hope we’ll also reflect on our deep friendship with the only pluralistic democracy in the Middle East, and support its fight against terror. How do we show we’re serious? By equipping our friends with more of the tools they need to defeat aggression. By investing heavily in our own arsenal and industrial capacity. And by getting off our hands and passing the National Defense Authorization Act.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 7/25/2024)

SENATE REPUBLICAN WHIP JOHN THUNE (R-SD): “It’s good to be voting on something substantial here in the Senate. We’ve done essentially nothing for two months other than vote on guaranteed to fail legislation that Democrats hope will somehow help them win votes in November. But voting on the Kids Online Safety Act is not enough. We have a lot more work we should be doing, starting with action on one of the most important pieces of legislation we consider each year, the National Defense Authorization Act…. Mr. President, the Senate Armed Services Committee passed this year’s National Defense Authorization Act on June 13. And well over a month later, the Democrat Leader still hasn’t found time for this critical legislation, nor is there any indication of when he will. It says a lot about Democrats’ priorities. But I hope that the Democrat Leader will take a moment to consider that while he puts our defense on the back burner, our enemies are not delaying their ambitions or their aggressive activities. And I hope he will bring this important and consequential legislation to the floor in the very near future.” (Sen. Thune, Floor Remarks, 7/25/2024)

SEN. ROGER WICKER (R-MS), Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member: “The Senate Armed Services Committee sent a bipartisan signal that we must return to ‘peace through strength.’ The new axis of aggressors and their threats are already upon us. We do not have time to waste. Instead of all the recent show votes, this vital national security legislation, which includes the $25 billion topline increase, must be considered … The world’s greatest deliberative body should get a chance to work its will on the floor, and I hope more of my colleagues will join me in continuing the national conversation about investing more.” (Sen. Wicker, Press Release, 7/08/2024)

SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): “[W]e have a mountain of critical work that needs to be completed before the end of the fiscal year. Before the end of September, which is the end of the fiscal year, we need to pass the National Defense Authorization Act, something we’ve done—I think it’s 63 years in a row—which is essential to our military’s readiness. As I said earlier, this is the most dangerous time we’ve seen since World War II. You would think the National Defense Authorization Act would be a priority, but apparently not for Leader Schumer. I’d hoped the Senate would take up and pass this bill before the end of July, but that’s clearly looking unlikely at this point.” (Sen. Cornyn, Congressional Record, S.5329, 7/24/2024)


Once Again, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Ignored The Annual Defense Authorization Bill This Week

This week, the Senate voted on nominees to the Federal Labor Relations Authority and the United States Tax Court, and on a State Department legal advisor. (PN1236, Roll Call Vote #214: Confirmed 82-6: D 39-6; R 40-0; I 3-0, 7/23/2024; PN1400, Roll Call Vote #215: Motion agreed to 77-17: D 43-1; R 30-16; I 4-0, 7/24/2024; PN1401, Roll Call Vote #216: Motion agreed to 85-12: D 46-0; R 35-12; I 4-0, 7/24/2024; PN1344, Roll Call Vote #217: Motion agreed to 51-43: D 46-0; R 1-43; I 4-0, 7/24/2024)


REMINDER: The Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act Was Overwhelmingly Approved In The Senate Armed Services Committee Over A Month Ago And Is Still Waiting For Floor Action

The House Acted On Its Version Of NDAA Last Month, Following The Senate Armed Services Committee Advancing Its Version

“The House narrowly passed its version of the nation’s annual defense policy bill on [June 14th]…. Attention now turns to the Senate, where the Senate Armed Services Committee approved its own version [the night before].” (“Dueling Versions Of FY ‘25 National Defense Authorization Act Advance In House And Senate, Major Differences Remain,” 13News Now Hampton Roads, 6/14/2024)

The Bipartisan Armed Services Committee-Passed NDAA Boosts Critical Investments In America’s Defense, Correcting The Serious Shortfalls Of President Biden’s Budget Request

“The Senate version of the fiscal 2025 defense authorization bill would authorize roughly $25 billion more for national defense than the Biden administration requested … The bill … was favorably reported to the full Senate … on Thursday. According to an executive summary released by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the bill would provide a total of $923.3 billion for national defense. That includes $878.4 billion for the Defense Department plus $33.4 billion for nuclear programs within the Department of Energy and $11.5 billion for defense-related activities outside the committee’s jurisdiction.” (“Senate NDAA Bill Would Boost Defense Topline By $25 Billion,” CQ News, 6/14/2024)

·       “Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services committee, succeeded in persuading a bipartisan majority on the committee to join his crusade to increase the Pentagon’s spending authority substantially … By a 22-3 vote on Friday, the committee advanced a version of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes a $25 billion plus-up …” (Washington Examiner, 6/17/2024)


The Senate’s NDAA Authorizes A Combined $150 Million For Israel’s Iron Dome And David’s Sling Defenses, Vital Components For Our Ally’s Ability To Fight Iran And Its Terrorist Proxies

The Senate Armed Services Committee Authorized $150 Million To Replenish Iron Dome And David’s Sling

“Authorizes procurement of the Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system, David’s Sling Weapon System, and Arrow 3 Upper Tier Interceptor Program.” (“Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act Executive Summary,” US Senate Committee On Armed Services, 6/13/2024)

·       “SEC. 1533. IRON DOME SHORT-RANGE ROCKET DEFENSE SYSTEM AND ISRAELI COOPERATIVE MISSILE DEFENSE PROGRAM CO-DEVELOPMENT AND CO-PRODUCTION  (a) Iron Dome Short-range Rocket Defense System.-- (1) Availability of funds.--Of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act for fiscal year 2025 for procurement, Defense-wide, and available for the Missile Defense Agency, not more than $110,000,000 may be provided to the Government of Israel to procure components for the Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system through co-production of such components in the United States by industry of the United States.” (S.4638, 118th Congress)

·       “(b) Israeli Cooperative Missile Defense Program, David’s Sling Weapon System Co-production.-- (1)IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (3), of the funds authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2025 for procurement, Defense-wide, and available for the Missile Defense Agency not more than $40,000,000 may be provided to the Government of Israel to procure the David’s Sling Weapon System, including for co-production of parts and components in the United States by United States industry.” (S.4638, 118th Congress)

‘The Iron Dome Is Fundamental To Israel’s Defense’ But ‘It Has Been Expending Missiles Faster Than They Can Be Manufactured’

The Iron Dome is fundamental to Israel’s defense and the US government has spent over $2.9 billion on the program, according to the Congressional Research Service. The Israel Defense Forces said the system boasted a 95.6% success rate during a rocket salvo fired by Islamic Jihad last year so if Hezbollah did overwhelm Israel’s missile defenses it would risk Israeli military and civilian lives.” (“US Concerned Israel’s Iron Dome Could Be Overwhelmed In War With Hezbollah, Officials Say,” CNN, 6/20/2024)

·       “Iron Dome was first deployed in 2011, and it has become iconic in Israeli society.” (“Israel’s Many Conflicts Could Soon Crack Its Iron Dome,” NPR, 6/27/2024)

“[S]ince Oct. 7, Israel has fended off attacks from every direction. As it has done so, it has been expending missiles faster than they can be manufactured.” (“Israel’s Many Conflicts Could Soon Crack Its Iron Dome,” NPR, 6/27/2024)

As Israel Confronts More Deadly Attacks From Iranian Proxy Hezbollah, The Country Needs Iron Dome Reinforcements

US officials have serious concerns that in the event of a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militant group could overwhelm Israel’s air defenses in the north — including the much-vaunted Iron Dome air defense system, three US officials told CNN. The fears, which the US officials said have also been communicated to them by Israel, that the Iron Dome could be vulnerable to Hezbollah’s vast arsenal of missiles and drones are only rising …” (“US Concerned Israel’s Iron Dome Could Be Overwhelmed In War With Hezbollah, Officials Say,” CNN, 6/20/2024)

A separate US official acknowledged to CNN that in the event of a full-blown war [with Hezbollah], the support Israel will need most is additional air defense systems and Iron Dome replenishments, which the US would provide…. The discussions come as the situation on Israel’s northern border has reached a dangerous tipping point, US officials said.” (“US Concerned Israel’s Iron Dome Could Be Overwhelmed In War With Hezbollah, Officials Say,” CNN, 6/20/2024)

“Hezbollah has an arsenal of rockets, missiles and drones exponentially larger, more sophisticated and more destructive than Hamas. Most are short range rockets, but some can reach deep into Israel with precision capability. The IDF has estimated that Hezbollah has approximately 150,000 rockets and missiles, including thousands of precision munitions. (“US Concerned Israel’s Iron Dome Could Be Overwhelmed In War With Hezbollah, Officials Say,” CNN, 6/20/2024)

·       “Keeping those weapons from hitting Israeli territory is the job of a sophisticated air defense system called Iron Dome. It has intercepted thousands of missiles over the years, and it has been critical to protecting Israel’s cities during the latest war in Gaza.” (“Israel’s Many Conflicts Could Soon Crack Its Iron Dome,” NPR, 6/27/2024)

“Earlier this month, Hezbollah released a video purporting to show a drone striking and damaging an Iron Dome battery on an army base in northern Israel. Israeli press reported it appeared to be the first documented instance of the system successfully being hit. The IDF said it was unaware of any damage to the system. But Israeli officials have told the US they believe the Iron Dome could be vulnerable, particularly in northern Israel, and have been surprised at the sophistication of Hezbollah’s strikes to date, the two US officials said. A primary concern is Hezbollah using a large number of precision guided munitions and missiles, said a source familiar with the threat.” (“US Concerned Israel’s Iron Dome Could Be Overwhelmed In War With Hezbollah, Officials Say,” CNN, 6/20/2024)

·       “‘We assess that at least some’ Iron Dome batteries ‘will be overwhelmed,’ said a senior administration official.” (“US Concerned Israel’s Iron Dome Could Be Overwhelmed In War With Hezbollah, Officials Say,” CNN, 6/20/2024)

Israel’s Prime Minister Explained To Congress This Week That Shoring Up Israel’s Arsenals Helps To Fight Iran And Could ‘Prevent A Broader War In The Middle East’

ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: “In the Middle East, Iran is virtually behind all the terrorism, all the turmoil, all the chaos, all the killing…. But Iran understands that to truly challenge America, it must first conquer the Middle East. And for this, it uses its many proxies, including the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas…. So, when Israel fights Hamas, we’re fighting Iran. When we fight Hezbollah, we’re fighting Iran. When we fight the Houthis, we’re fighting Iran. And when we fight Iran, we’re fighting the most radical and murderous enemy of the United States of America.” (Address to a Joint Session of Congress, 7/24/2024)

·       PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: “For decades, America has provided Israel with generous military assistance, and a grateful Israel has provided America with critical intelligence that saved many lives…. And we also help keep American boots off the ground while protecting our shared interests in the Middle East…. Fast-tracking U.S. military aid can dramatically expedite an end to the war in Gaza and help prevent a broader war in the Middle East.” (Address to a Joint Session of Congress, 7/24/2024)



Related Issues: Israel, National Security, America's Military, NDAA, Iran, Senate Democrats