
Ambassador Kelly Craft: ‘She Really Proved Herself’

President Clinton’s Former U.S. Ambassador To Canada Says ‘We Know Kelly Can Represent Our Country Well Because We Have Watched Her Do It’


Current And Former Canadian Officials: ‘Ambassador Kelly Craft Did Outstanding Work In Canada,’ ‘She Really Proved Herself Over Some Tough Times’

BRIAN MULRONEY, FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: “Ambassador Kelly Craft did outstanding work in Canada. She was highly regarded by all and played an important role in the successful negotiation of the USMCA. I have no doubt that she will be a highly impressive representative of the USA at the United Nations.” (Brian Mulroney, Statement, 6/18/2019)

DOUG FORD, ONTARIO PREMIER: “Every premier I know thinks the world of her…. She really proved herself over some tough times.” (“From Small-Town Kentucky To The UN: Can Trump Nominee Kelly Craft Surprise The Skeptics?,” Lexington Herald-Leader, 2/28/2019)

DAVID MacNAUGHTON, CANADIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES: “She’s been a good friend to Canada and a good friend of mine.” (“Trump Taps Kelly Knight Craft As UN Ambassador,” Politico, 2/23/2019)

  • AMBASSADOR MacNAUGHTON: “You sensed she was really well-connected in the administration and could get things done.” (Bloomberg News, 6/18/2019)

FRANK McKENNA, FORMER CANADIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES: “I have had the pleasure of knowing Ambassador Kelly Craft since her arrival in Canada. As a former Ambassador to the US I have some idea of the sensitivity and complexity of the relationship…. Her charm and tact was a healing balm and her intelligence and competence made her highly respected across the country.” (Ambassador McKenna, Statement, 6/18/2019)

JOHN BAIRD, FORMER CANADIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: “Ambassador Craft was an extraordinary representative of the United States in Canada.  She worked well with the government and opposition parties to advance the values and interests of the United States.  She played an instrumental role in the renegotiation of NAFTA and was an effective advocate on border security issues.” (John Baird, Statement, 6/18/2019)

SCOTT BRISON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE TREASURY BOARD OF CANADA: “As President of the Treasury Board, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Kelly Craft on key bilateral issues, including Canada/US regulatory cohesion, an effort that without her strong support would not have advanced as effectively as it did.” (Scott Brison, Statement, 6/18/2019)


Former U.S. Diplomats: ‘We Don’t Have To Guess If Kelly Craft Can Be An Effective U.S. Ambassador, She Has Already Done It’

GORDON GIFFIN, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO CANADA under President Clinton: “Kelly Craft has represented our country well in Canada and can certainly do so at the United Nations.” (Gordon D. Giffin, Letter to Sens. Risch and Menendez, 6/17/2019)

  • AMBASSADOR GIFFIN: “The last time I appeared before this Committee was July 1997 for my own nomination to be U.S. Ambassador to Canada, nominated by President Clinton…. I am a practicing Democrat…. When someone of talent, character and generous spirit is presented to represent us in an important international role we should celebrate their willingness to serve, not debate their political background. Kelly Craft is such a nominee and that is why I am pleased to express unqualified support for her.” (Gordon D. Giffin, Letter to Sens. Risch and Menendez, 6/17/2019)
  • AMBASSADOR GIFFIN: “We don’t have to guess if Kelly Craft can be an effective U.S. Ambassador, she has already done it…. I have observed Kelly fulfill those responsibilities with substance, style, grace, confidence and effectiveness … As we say in the South, Ambassador Craft has done us proud during challenging times.” (Gordon D. Giffin, Letter to Sens. Risch and Menendez, 6/17/2019)

DAVID WILKINS, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO CANADA under President George W. Bush: “I am honored to lend my voice to those supporting Kelly Craft to be our next United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Ambassador Craft served our country exceedingly well in Canada during a pivotal time of serious trade negotiations between our two great countries. As someone who was privileged to serve the United States in Canada during a difficult period, I have a great appreciation for the way in which Ambassador Craft handled sensitive files while forging important inroads working with Canadians – all for the betterment of our country.” (David Wilkins, Statement, 6/18/2019)


Ambassador Craft Was Confirmed To Her Current Position By Voice Vote

Ambassador Craft was confirmed by the Senate by voice vote in 2017. (PN603, 115th Congress)



Related Issues: Nominations