
100 Days: ‘Signs Of Progress’

‘Senators Making Significant Headway On Sticky Issues,’ ‘Promise On A Number Of Policy Fronts’


 ‘One Of The More Productive Legislative Periods In Recent Years,’ A ‘Rash Of Bipartisanship’

“The first 100 days of the 114th Congress offered signs of progress. … Republicans say the party is knocking the dust off its governing playbook for what could be one of the more productive legislative periods in recent years.” (“100 Days Of Congress: Stumbles But Signs Of Progress,” USA Today, 4/16/15)


A ‘Legislative Bonanza Of Rare Proportions’

“For all the talk of the death of bipartisanship, Tuesday’s busy legislative day in the Senate provided quite the counter-argument. A little more than a day after returning from a two-week recess, the legislative dam burst, with senators making significant headway on sticky issues such as the Iran nuclear deal, a rewrite of the No Child Left Behind law, a replacement for the payment formula for doctors who treat Medicare patients” (“A Busy And Bipartisan Tuesday,” Roll Call, 4/14/15)

BUDGET: “Republicans are on track to approve by the end of April the first budget since 2009 and the first GOP budget since 2006. …it's an achievement for a party eager to earn the public's trust.” (“100 Days Of Congress: Stumbles But Signs Of Progress,” USA Today, 4/16/15)

FOREIGN RELATIONS: “…[Sen. Bob] Corker's methodical style has paved the way for one of the biggest congressional assertions of foreign policy power in years. … In an old-school display of Senate committee power, Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, aided by Democrats, unanimously steered legislation through the panel Tuesday that hands Congress a major role in any final U.S.-Iran deal to halt the country's alleged nuclear weapons program.” (“Bob Corker's Old-School Power Move,” National Journal, 4/14/15)

FINANCE: “Senior lawmakers reached agreement Thursday on a bipartisan trade promotion authority bill … Two Republicans — Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan — negotiated for months on the ‘fast track’ trade legislation with Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat.” (“Lawmakers Strike Deal On Fast Track Trade Bill,” Politico, 4/16/15)

EDUCATION: “The Senate education committee's top lawmakers on Tuesday unveiled a bipartisan plan to rewrite the long-outdated education law No Child Left Behind.” (“No Child Left Behind: Senators Unveil Bipartisan Agreement On Rewrite,” U.S. News, 4/7/15)

HEALTH CARE: “The annual charade of blocking Clinton-era cuts to Medicare has officially ended.” (“The ‘F’ Word: Could Congress Become Functional?,” Fox News, 4/15/15)

ENERGY: Led by Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) “Republicans easily steered their bill to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline out of the Senate energy committee Thursday…” (“Pipeline Bill Is Headed To Vote,” Dallas Morning News, 1/9/2015)

  • “The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee's 13-9 vote to approve the measure - with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin the lone Democrat crossing party lines to back the bill…” (“Panel's Passage Of Keystone Bill Sets Up Bigger Fight,” The Houston Chronicle, 1/9/2015)


Going Forward ‘Promise On A Number Of Policy Fronts’

“There is promise on a number of policy fronts where bipartisan efforts are underway, particularly in the Senate...” (“100 Days Of Congress: Stumbles But Signs Of Progress,” USA Today, 4/16/15)



Related Issues: Budget, National Security, Jobs, Education, Back to Work, Energy, Restoring the Senate, Health Care