
Working Families Face Prices 20% Higher Than When Pres. Biden Took Office

‘[T]he American people know which party ignored the warnings of top liberal economists, lit money on fire with reckless taxing and spending sprees, and fueled the worst inflation this country has seen since the Carter Administration. The American people are sick and tired of Bidenomics. And I suspect they’ll have more to say about it come November.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the economy:

“Cumulative inflation since President Biden took office now sits at 20.1 percent. And working families across America are still feeling the pinch in their wallets, especially when it comes to basic necessities like housing.

“In New Jersey, one man who’s watched his rent soar said ‘I thought things were going to taper off…but it doesn’t appear to be tapering.’

“In my home state of Kentucky, one resident said he was ’sticker-shocked’ at the skyrocketing cost of homeowner’s insurance, property taxes, and utility bills. And he’s certainly not alone. One survey showed that nearly 1 in 5 homeowners could not afford a $500 emergency repair on their home.

“Last month, 46% of Americans reported that they are struggling keep pace financially. And only 25% of this group said they planned on supporting President Biden.

“Mr. President, the American people know which party ignored the warnings of top liberal economists, lit money on fire with reckless taxing and spending sprees, and fueled the worst inflation this country has seen since the Carter Administration.

“The American people are sick and tired of Bidenomics. And I suspect they’ll have more to say about it come November.”


Related Issues: Economy