
William Barr’s Qualifications and Job Performance Speak for Themselves

‘In 1991, this body saw fit to confirm him to lead the DOJ by a voice vote. That was the third time he’d earned Senate confirmation without opposition. On both sides of the aisle, Senators were vocal in their praise for the “independent voice” of “an honorable guy,” William Barr. Well, today the job description remains the same. And before us is a nominee who remains eminently well-qualified to discharge these duties.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the president’s nominee for Attorney General of the United States, William Barr:

“Today, our colleagues on the Judiciary Committee are meeting to advance a number of judicial nominees and the president’s choice for Attorney General here to the Senate floor. In William Barr, President Trump has nominated a tried-and-true public servant and a proven professional to lead the men and women of the Department of Justice.

“Testifying before the Committee last month, Mr. Barr expressed his unwavering commitment to ‘the rule of law, the Constitution, and the American people.’ But my colleagues don’t have to take his word for it. Having served as Attorney General once before, Mr. Barr’s qualifications and job performance speak for themselves.

“In 1991, this body saw fit to confirm him to lead the DOJ by a voice vote. That was the third time he’d earned Senate confirmation without opposition. On both sides of the aisle, Senators were vocal in their praise for the ‘independent voice’ of ‘an honorable guy,’ William Barr. Well, today the job description remains the same. And before us is a nominee who remains eminently well-qualified to discharge these duties. The Senate needs to act quickly to put William Barr back to work at the Justice Department. I hope and expect he will be confirmed next week.”

Related Issues: Nominations, Law Enforcement