
Support For Judge Gorsuch Grows As Confirmation Hearings Continue

‘We heard directly from Judge Gorsuch about his views on the role of a judge — to be fair and impartial, independent and not beholden to one party over another. We heard directly from Judge Gorsuch about his views of the role of the Court — to uphold the Constitution and interpret the laws as written, not legislating from the bench.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch:

“As day two of Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings continued, Senators and the American people were able to learn more about his experience as a jurist and his aptitude to serve on the High Court.

“We heard directly from Judge Gorsuch about his views on the role of a judge — to be fair and impartial, independent and not beholden to one party over another.  We heard directly from Judge Gorsuch about his views of the role of the Court — to uphold the Constitution and interpret the laws as written, not legislating from the bench.

“We saw him display a masterful knowledge of the law, along with independence, thoughtfulness, and just the kind of judicial temperament we expect in a Supreme Court justice.  And news outlets across the country took notice.  This is from a CNN report:

“‘Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch came to the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday prepared to deliver a clear message: I'm a judge, not a politician…Sitting at a small table, he turned to listen to each senator as they spoke, hour after hour, carefully writing notes before launching into his replies.’  As CNN noted, the questions ‘never rattled him’ and ‘he showed command of the law.’

“NPR took note of Judge Gorsuch’s temperament saying: ‘He kept an even keel throughout the day, rarely betraying more than a hint of impatience or pique.’

“Here’s one take from The Washington Post: ‘Gorsuch is not easily flustered,’ it said. ‘Gorsuch presented himself as the picture of a cool, calm, self-assured justice…. His face often broke into a relaxed smile. He appeared to be listening to every word every senator said, and he rarely stumbled.

“And here’s another take from the Post: ‘After more than 10 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, [Judge Neil] Gorsuch was prepared for how to respond to questions about judicial independence and how a judge should consider a decision outside his personal political ideology.’

“These are observations made from outside viewers. Their insights reflect what we’ve been saying for weeks: that Judge Gorsuch is exceptionally qualified to serve on the Supreme Court.

“I hope our Democratic friends take notice and give him the fair consideration he deserves — not invent more excuses not to.  Because Judge Gorsuch has performed exceedingly well, some Democrats are desperately trying ‎to come up with a reason to delay the process, just as they've done all year on other nominations.

“The Judiciary Committee is continuing its work today, and as it does so, I am confident we’ll continue to see support grow for Judge Gorsuch.”

Related Issues: Supreme Court, Judicial Nominations, Nominations