
Senate to Pass September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Bill

‘In just a few hours, the Senate will attend to an important subject that we have never failed to address: The September 11th Victims Compensation Fund… Congress can never repay these men, women, and families for their sacrifices. But we can do our small part to try and make our heroes whole. That’s why the Senate has never failed to attend to the Fund before. We weren’t about to do so now.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund bill:

“In the meantime, this body has other significant business to complete for the American people. Most immediately, in just a few hours, we’ll be confirming a new Secretary of Defense. The vote to advance Dr. Mark Esper’s nomination yesterday afternoon came in at 85 to 6. That’s precisely the kind of overwhelming bipartisan vote that’s called for in this circumstance.

“The nominee is beyond qualified. His record of public service is beyond impressive. His commitment to serving our servicemembers is beyond obvious. And the need for a Senate-confirmed Secretary of Defense is beyond urgent. I urge every one of my colleagues to vote to confirm our next Secretary of Defense later today.

“But that isn’t the only important task we will tackle on a bipartisan basis today. In just a few hours, the Senate will attend to an important subject that we have never failed to address: The September 11th Victims Compensation Fund. I know that my colleagues don’t need any extended lecture from me about the solemn commitments this program represents.

“Commitments to the firefighters, police officers, and all the first responders who rushed selflessly toward the World Trade Center just moments after the attacks began. To the first responders and workers who reported for duty days or even weeks later, putting their health at serious risk to help others. Commitments to those who responded to the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania as well. And, in the cases where injury or illness has already claimed the lives of these heroes, commitments to their surviving family.

“Congress can never repay these men, women, and families for their sacrifices. But we can do our small part to try and make our heroes whole. That’s why the Senate has never failed to attend to the Fund before. We weren’t about to do so now.

“I had the honor, of meeting with a group of first responders and advocates several weeks back. They gave me the badge of Luis Alvarez, an NYPD bomb squad detective who was terminally ill and has since tragically passed away. It was my honor to receive it. It was my honor to reiterate that the Senate’s ironclad commitment to getting this done was never in doubt. I told the first responders that I wanted the Senate to address this prior to August and today we will do so. And it will be my honor later today to vote for the funding and ensure this fund is secure. I urge my colleagues to do the same.”


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