
Senate to Confirm FAA Administrator, Two More District Court Nominees

‘We’re currently considering Stephen M. Dickson of Georgia to lead the Federal Aviation Administration. After him, we’ll turn our attention to two district court nominees. Wendy Williams Berger is the president’s choice for the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida… Brian Buescher has been tapped for a vacancy in the District of Nebraska, where he has spent nearly two decades practicing law.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the need to confirm more of the president’s well-qualified nominees:

“First, the Senate will confirm several more impressive nominees. We’re currently considering Stephen M. Dickson of Georgia to lead the Federal Aviation Administration. After him, we’ll turn our attention to two district court nominees. Wendy Williams Berger is the president’s choice for the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida. She’s a two-time graduate of Florida State University with nearly three decades of courtroom experience, half of which has come on the bench.

“Brian Buescher has been tapped for a vacancy in the District of Nebraska, where he has spent nearly two decades practicing law. Throughout his career he’s gained expertise in a wide array of legal areas and has earned admiration within the Nebraska legal community and beyond. Those who know Mr. Buescher praise his, quote ‘intelligence, integrity, professionalism, attentiveness, [and] character.’ The mayor of Omaha, where he’s spent his entire legal career, has said, quote, ‘Mr. Buescher would be an impartial judge capable of setting aside personal opinion.’

“Now, despite his objective qualifications and all this praise, our Senate Democratic colleagues were not satisfied. Here was the negative bombshell that offended some of our colleagues with respect to this nominee: the nominee is a practicing Catholic. My goodness. Imagine that, in the United States of America: a person of faith, serving in government. In particular, some of our Democratic colleagues raked Mr. Buescher over the coals in committee for his membership in the Knights of Columbus. 

“Of course, we all know the Knights — a noted worldwide ‘extremist sect’ of Catholics... that is about 2 million men strong, known among other things for their love of their Catholic faith, their unparalleled commitment to charitable work, and for hosting barbecues and pancake breakfasts. Outrageous. I can’t believe I need to repeat it here in the U.S. Capitol, but there is nothing about living out one’s faith that is disqualifying for public service. To the contrary, what the Constitution does forbid is imposing any kind of religious test for public office.

“It’s the Democrats opposition to this nominee’s faith, not his faith itself, that rubs against the grain of the Constitution. Fortunately, this tactic didn’t fly. Our colleagues on the Judiciary Committee saw this tactic for what it is and voted to report Mr. Buescher favorably here to the floor. I’ll be proud to vote to confirm him later today.”

Related Issues: FAA, Nominations, Judicial Nominations