
Senate Set to Pass a Multi-Year, Bipartisan and Fiscally Responsible Highway Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the bipartisan DRIVE Act:

“Many thought we’d never get here, but we have.

“Later today, the Senate will pass a multi-year highway bill that doesn’t raise taxes by a penny, and we’ll do it on a bipartisan basis.

“This is more than just another accomplishment for the Senate, it’s a win for our country.

“Because the bill would cut red tape and streamline regulations.

“It would modernize infrastructure and advance research and innovation.

“It would enact new transparency measures to empower Americans to see how more of their tax money is actually spent.

“And because it’s a multi-year bill, it would give states, cities, and towns the certainty they need to better plan road and bridge projects into the future.

“The multi-year nature of this legislation is one of its most critical components. It’s also something the House and Senate are now united on.

“We all want the House to have the space it needs to develop its own bill, because we all want to work out the best possible legislation for the American people in conference.

“So we’ll take up a measure this afternoon to give them that space, while also delivering important relief to veterans. The bill would extend a helping hand to heroes who need it by covering unfunded requirements the administration failed to budget for.

“I hope we’ll rally in support of veterans when that measure is considered — just as we continue to rally in support of the multi-year, bipartisan, and fiscally responsible highway bill we’ll pass today.

“Some never thought this day would come. But thanks to the enduring dedication of senators on both sides of the aisle — including Senators Inhofe, Boxer, Thune, Nelson, and Hatch — it’s here.”

Related Issues: Highway Bill, Back to Work, Restoring the Senate