
Senate Must Not Allow Retreat In Face Of Terror

‘Passage of such a resolution would be a gift to Iran and its terrorist network. Driving American forces from the Middle East is their precise objective. Adopting this short-sighted measure would wreck America’s credibility in the region.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Syria war powers resolution vote:

“This morning, the Senate will vote on a resolution calling for the withdrawal of American military forces from Syria.

“Passage of such a resolution would be a gift to Iran and its terrorist network. Driving American forces from the Middle East is exactly what they would like to see.

“Adopting this short-sighted measure would wreck America’s credibility in the region.

“It would encourage Iran’s proxies to open a northern front in the territorial war against Israel. And it would invite America’s adversaries to challenge our military presence throughout the world.

“Back in 2019, as our colleagues may recall, the Senate went on the record about the wisdom of withdrawing prematurely from Syria and Afghanistan.

“At that time, the vast majority of us rejected such a retreat. And those who didn’t have since watched President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Putin’s escalation against Ukraine, China’s growing challenge to international peace and stability, and Iran’s glaring threat to America and Israel.

“Today is the 82nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor. It’s a day to remember the cost of being caught on our heels.

“A vote in favor of this resolution is a vote for retreat in the face of terror.” 


Related Issues: National Security, America's Military