
Senate, Judiciary Committee Leadership to Meet with President, Continue Consultation On SCOTUS

’The president has invited the Democratic leader, the chairman and Ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, and myself to the White House this afternoon to meet with him regarding the Supreme Court vacancy as part of his ongoing consultations with members of the Senate. I appreciate the president soliciting our advice on this important matter.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding upcoming meetings between Congress and the president:

“Yesterday, leaders from both parties had an opportunity to meet with President Trump and Vice President Pence at the White House. We appreciate their time and look forward to more conversations with them in the days to come — including later today.

“The president has invited the Democratic leader, the chairman and ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, and myself to the White House this afternoon to meet with him regarding the Supreme Court vacancy as part of his ongoing consultations with members of the Senate. I appreciate the president soliciting our advice on this important matter.

“Later this week, Republicans in both the Senate and House will have another opportunity to engage with the president as we gather for our issues conference in Philadelphia. I know we’re all eager to continue the dialogue about moving our legislative agenda, including priorities like bringing relief from the consequences of Obamacare, confirming the president’s nominees, enacting tax reform, easing the regulatory burden on our economy, and other key issues.

“We’re also looking forward to hearing from another special guest, British Prime Minister Theresa May. Her visit will provide members the chance to hear from the leader of one of our closest allies and partners. 

“We appreciate her willingness to join us, and we welcome the opportunity to discuss the ways in which we can continue to strengthen our nations’ close relationship and pursue shared interests in the years ahead.”

Related Issues: Supreme Court, Nominations