
Senate Continues Work to Confirm President’s Well-Qualified Circuit Court Nominees

‘Following the confirmation of Judge Engelhardt, the Senate will proceed to consideration of Michael Brennan of Wisconsin to serve as United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding circuit court nominees, including the president’s nominee for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Michael Brennan:

“Yesterday, the Senate advanced the nomination of the first of this week’s judicial nominees, Judge Kurt Engelhardt. Those who join him on this latest slate for consideration are each well-qualified. Each has received thorough examination from the Judiciary Committee. And each stands ready to serve on the federal bench.

“Following the confirmation of Judge Engelhardt, the Senate will proceed to consideration of Michael Brennan of Wisconsin to serve as United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit. Mr. Brennan’s nomination comes as only the latest distinction in a career marked by impressive legal accomplishments.

“In both public service and private practice, this graduate of Notre Dame and Northwestern Law School has developed a reputation for a keen legal mind and an unwavering commitment to the rule of law. According to current and former peers on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, Mr. Brennan has, quote, ‘the mind, heart and soul of a great jurist,’ and a ‘keen understanding of the legal issues in sophisticated and complex litigation.’

“Like Judge Engelhardt, Mr. Brennan has my full support, and I encourage my colleagues to join me in voting to confirm another fine nominee this week.”

Related Issues: Nominations, Judicial Nominations