
Senate Continues to Overcome Democrat Obstruction

‘We’re clearing the considerable backlog of those who had been mired for months in our Democratic colleagues’ across-the-board obstruction campaign. Make no mistake, there’s still a long way to go. There are still too many vacancies on the president’s team. There are still too many would-be public servants waiting for partisan barriers to fall. But this body should be proud of the progress we’re already making and the healthier precedent we are setting for the future.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the need to confirm more of the president’s well-qualified nominees:

The Senate continues to build on last week’s progress in restoring our normal tradition regarding lower-level nominations. We’re moving several well-qualified nominees more promptly through floor consideration. We’re clearing the considerable backlog of those who had been mired for months in our Democratic colleagues’ across-the-board obstruction campaign.

“Make no mistake, there’s still a long way to go. There are still too many vacancies on the president’s team. There are still too many would-be public servants waiting for partisan barriers to fall. But this body should be proud of the progress we’re already making and the healthier precedent we are setting for the future. Yesterday, the Senate voted to confirm both Daniel Domenico, President Trump’s choice to serve as U.S. District Judge for the District of Colorado, and Patrick Wyrick to be a district court judge in the Western District of Oklahoma.

“Today, we’ll turn our attention to Cheryl Stanton’s nomination to lead the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division. It’s been one year, seven months, and five days since Ms. Stanton’s nomination arrived here in the Senate. In that time, the nomination has been favorably reported by the HELP committee not once, not twice, but three times. Three times through committee for this graduate of Williams College and the University of Chicago Law School. Two times sent back to the president for the former executive director of the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce.

“Well, hopefully the third time will be the charm and we can finally do the prudent thing here on the Senate floor. I hope each of my colleagues will join me in support of the Stanton nomination later this week. And later this week, as I noted yesterday, we’ll finish with the nomination of David Bernhardt to join President Trump’s cabinet as Secretary of the Interior. Speaking of things coming in threes, this would be the third time Mr. Bernhardt will have been confirmed by the Senate. He’s served previously as the Department’s Solicitor and as its Deputy Secretary.

“According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, his ‘proven leadership’ in these roles ‘has helped restore the multiple use of America’s public lands.’ And they’re not alone: over his tenure, Mr. Bernhardt developed a reputation among sportsmen, conservation groups, and western Native American tribes as a strong leader and a reliable partner in their efforts. So once again, I hope each of my colleagues will join me in voting to confirm David Bernhardt later this week.”

Related Issues: Nominations, Judicial Nominations, Senate Democrats, Labor, Restoring the Senate