
Our Veterans Deserve the Care They Were Promised

‘Representing Kentucky’s veterans is one of the greatest privileges I have as a U.S. Senator. Through their selfless service, America’s veterans have earned our admiration and gratitude. This legislation is just one example of how Congress and the administration are working to keep our commitments to veterans.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017:  

“The House of Representatives will vote later today on the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, which would give the Department of Veterans Affairs more of the tools it needs to hold bad actors accountable. Last week, the Senate passed this bipartisan legislation by voice vote, and once the House weighs in, the bill will go to the president’s desk for his signature.

“Throughout the country, VA facilities have been plagued by widespread dysfunction. Our veterans deserve the timely and effective care they were promised, and I am committed to continue working with colleagues in Congress and the administration to make sure they get it.  This sensible approach has been a top priority of this Congress, and I am proud that we came together to continue addressing the problems in our VA system.

“Representing Kentucky’s veterans is one of the greatest privileges I have as a U.S. Senator. Through their selfless service, America’s veterans have earned our admiration and gratitude. This legislation is just one example of how Congress and the administration are working to keep our commitments to veterans.  I would like to again thank Senator Rubio and Chairman Isakson for their work on this measure on behalf of our nation’s veterans. I look forward to the House voting later today to send this bill to the president.”

Related Issues: Veterans