
More Good News for America’s Workers, Middle-Class Families

‘More jobs. More opportunities. More Americans coming off the sidelines and getting back into the workforce. More Americans moving up the ladder to bigger and better things -- and opening up their current positions for other job-seekers at the same time. Helping to produce conditions like these is what Republicans have had in mind as we’ve chipped away at the regulatory rust that kept American job creators from doing what they do best.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans continue to see from the Republican pro-opportunity, pro-worker agenda:

“Last week, the Labor Department released its monthly jobs report. And as has become a pattern, it contained good news about the state of job opportunities nationwide. In June alone, our economy created 213,000 new jobs, with contributions from nearly every sector. That continues a prolonged streak of strong jobs performance. Month after month, quarter after quarter. The pro-growth, pro-jobs policies of this united Republican government -- from historic tax relief to sweeping regulatory reform -- are helping unleash this wave of new opportunity and new prosperity for America’s workers and middle-class families.

“More than 600,000 Americans entered the workforce last month alone. Another sign that the Obama-era stagnation continues to lose its grip on communities. The rate of hiring reached its highest level in more than a decade. Here’s another promising sign: The rate at which Americans are quitting their jobs voluntarily. Economists tell us this is an important sign of a healthy job market because it indicates workers are moving upwards, seeking better pay or superior benefits at a different employer.

“That number just hit its highest level in more than 17 years. More jobs. More opportunities. More Americans coming off the sidelines and getting back into the workforce. More Americans moving up the ladder to bigger and better things -- and opening up their current positions for other job-seekers at the same time. Helping to produce conditions like these is what Republicans have had in mind as we’ve chipped away at the regulatory rust that kept American job creators from doing what they do best.

“They’re what we had in mind when we used the Congressional Review Act a record sixteen times to relieve the bureaucratic bloat that had forced job creators and entrepreneurs to cut back or close up shop. They’re what we had in mind when we overhauled our tax code so it better rewards workers and more strongly encourages job creators to deepen their roots in American soil. Republicans are proud of this thriving job market -- and we’re proud that our policies are playing a part in making it happen.”

Related Issues: Taxes, Economy, Jobs, Middle Class