
McConnell Remembers Senator Inhofe on Senate Floor

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Senator Jim Inhofe:

“Yesterday morning, the Senate was greeted by some sad news. A longtime former colleague and dear friend of so many of us – Jim Inhofe – passed away.

“As many of our colleagues are familiar, Jim’s path to the Senate was an adventure of its own:

“Honorable service in the Army. Small business success. An undergraduate degree by way of nine different schools. By one account, even some prospecting on rare earth minerals.

“But what came to define his time in this body was more than his sheer competence and experience on such a dizzying array of topics.

“More than his dogged determination on issues from infrastructure to the armed forces to African development.

“What I suspect so many of our colleagues will remember most about Jim was his honesty, his decency, and his deep faith. His love of God, love of country, and love of neighbor.

“It would be difficult for anyone to hope for a richer legacy than that. So this week, I know the Senate is keeping Jim’s wife Kay and the whole Inhofe family in our prayers as they mourn a great man.”


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