
McConnell Remembers 61st Senate Chaplain Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie

‘So today, the prayers of the Senate are with Lloyd’s family. We are grateful for his lifelong ministry and especially for the fact that it brought him here. One day early in his tenure, Dr. Ogilvie convened the Senate by asking God to “hope through us today.” He prayed: “Make us people who are a lift and not a load, a blessing and not a burden.” Today, the many people whose lives he lifted up are remembering just how blessed we were by his friendship -- and how blessed we are by his example.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the passing of the sixty-first Chaplain of the United States Senate, Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie:

“Last week, the Senate learned of the passing of our longtime friend and counselor, Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie, our sixty-first Chaplain of the United States Senate. Dr. Ogilvie served as Chaplain for eight years, beginning in 1995. His career in ministry, teaching, and writing had already spanned four decades when Lloyd agreed to come serve here. He brought with him unceasing patience, an attentive ear, and genuine concern for the thousands of members, staff, and families who made up his Senate flock.

“The Senate and the nation saw tragedy during Lloyd’s tenure. We mourned the deaths of three colleagues in office. We endured an attack on this building that left two Capitol Police officers dead. We faced September 11 and its aftermath. We weathered the anthrax scare. And, of course, those to whom he ministered also faced their own private personal challenges during that time. On all these matters, so many people sought guidance, comfort, and counsel from Lloyd. And every single day, he provided it. A joyful, consistent, straightforward messenger -- and example -- of God’s love.

“He delivered daily prayers with timely wisdom. He offered common ground in Bible study. He checked in on spouses, children, and staff. And he did it all while immaculately dressed and with that deep, ringing voice. He was the complete package -- a Scot, a Midwesterner, and briefly a Washingtonian, all in one. After Dr. Ogilvie moved on in 2003, he moved to Fuller Seminary and established a center for preaching which bears his name. I am glad his legacy will continue to ripple out into new generations of spiritual leaders who will learn from his singular example.

“So today, the prayers of the Senate are with Lloyd’s family. We are grateful for his lifelong ministry and especially for the fact that it brought him here. One day early in his tenure, Dr. Ogilvie convened the Senate by asking God to ‘hope through us today.’ He prayed: ‘Make us people who are a lift and not a load, a blessing and not a burden.’ Today, the many people whose lives he lifted up are remembering just how blessed we were by his friendship -- and how blessed we are by his example.”

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