
McConnell Remarks On Princeton Offering ‘Restorative Justice’ To Hamas Sympathizers

“When Henry David Thoreau famously chose jail as a consequence for his civil disobedience, he explained that ‘Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.’ Apparently, the postmodern prisoner of conscience sees things a bit differently.”

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding college campus protests:

“Last month, I suggested that administrators at schools like Columbia – where nests of anti-Semitism were festering and growing – ought to follow the lead of Princeton, where trespassers were quickly arrested and removed by law-enforcement.

“Unfortunately, Princeton may not be setting such a shining example, after all. The school has apparently decided that perpetrators on campus shouldn’t bear actual consequences.

“Yesterday, at the urging of ‘several’ academic department chairs, Princeton announced that they would forego traditional discipline and instead let the student radicals who had tried to occupy a campus building participate in a ‘restorative justice process.’

“You might be forgiven for having absolutely no idea what that means.

“But the bottom line is these students will be allowed to graduate in the coming weeks. After all, what’s a little call for intifada between friends?

“When Henry David Thoreau famously chose jail as a consequence for his civil disobedience, he explained it this way. ‘Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.’

“Apparently, the postmodern prisoner of conscience sees things a bit differently.

“So that’s my suggestion for the folks pushing ‘restorative justice’ at Princeton:

“Make these student radicals read Thoreau. Let them and their faculty enablers indict themselves with the comparative cheapness of their violent play-acting.”


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