
McConnell Promises Full Senate Review of Iran Nuclear Deal

“[W]e await the beginning of a comprehensive review process premised on a simple question: can the agreement meet its essential test of leaving our country and our allies safer?”

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the nuclear agreement with Iran:

“I said yesterday that the Senate would thoroughly review the White House’s deal with Iran. I said we’d hold hearings, call witnesses, and ultimately vote to approve or disapprove of the deal in accordance with the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. That’s what we’ve long planned to do and — once the Administration fully transmits the text to us — it’s just what we will do.

“Senators are already taking a close look at what they’ve been able to get their hands on thus far. But the Senate eagerly awaits the full transmission of that text and the required certifications — we await the beginning of a comprehensive review process premised on a simple question: can the agreement meet its essential test of leaving our country and our allies safer?”

Related Issues: Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal