
McConnell Praises Senate Republicans Farm Bill Framework

‘The Ranking Member’s plan reflects the actual reality of owning and operating a farm today. And it addresses the biggest bone of contention among American producers: Less fluff, and more farm in the Farm Bill. From bolstering the farmer safety net… To expanding our competitiveness in world markets… To providing new producers with the means to get off the ground.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Farm Bill:

“It’s no secret that American farmers face a lot of uncertainty: unstable markets, volatile weather, and a projected record drop in farm income. All these things make a job that is inherently difficult, even more precarious.

“As one producer in my home state of Kentucky put it: ‘Farming is risky and margins are tight.’

“Certainty and stability oil the engine of American agriculture, which is why farm families in Kentucky and the rest of rural America look to the Farm Bill to provide support and safeguard our food supply. 

“Unfortunately, with the Farm Bill’s September expiration fast approaching, Senate Democrats don’t seem to be in any rush to address farmers’ immediate needs.

“The Agriculture Committee’s majority has yet to introduce a bill, set a markup, or secure a single minute of floor time with the Democratic Leader.

“The Committee has a long tradition of bipartisanship. There’s no reason our colleagues can’t show some good faith and start working to advance serious legislation. It’s time to get to the table.

“And yesterday, Ranking Member Boozman put forward a Republican Farm Bill Framework that would give our colleagues a good place to start.

“The Ranking Member’s plan reflects the actual reality of owning and operating a farm today. And it addresses the biggest bone of contention among American producers: Less fluff, and more farm in the Farm Bill.

“From bolstering the farmer safety net… To expanding our competitiveness in world markets… To providing new producers with the means to get off the ground.

“I’ve served on the Agriculture Committee my entire time in the Senate – I know drafting this legislation is certainly not easy.

“And I’m grateful to the Ranking Member for his work on this important issue. I hope that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will look to this framework for guidance as we work to deliver certainty and stability to America’s farmers.”


Related Issues: Farm Bill