
McConnell Praises Continued Success of the Paycheck Protection Program

‘Yesterday evening, the Senate passed a few targeted changes to help Senator Collins’s and Senator Rubio’s historic Paycheck Protection Program continue to protect American workers and small businesses through this pandemic.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Paycheck Protection Program:

“Yesterday evening, the Senate passed a few targeted changes to help Senator Collins’s and Senator Rubio’s historic Paycheck Protection Program continue to protect American workers and small businesses through this pandemic.

“Back in March, these Senate leaders hand-designed this plan to push unprecedented assistance to working families and Main Street businesses.

“Once again, in April, they led the charge to refill their popular and successful program with more money so it could help even more Americans.

“And in the weeks since, our colleagues have continued to track the program’s operation and recommend further tweaks where necessary. In recent days, Senator Collins helped strengthen and improve the House’s proposed PPP modifications before they passed the bill and sent it to us. And I know the senior Senator from Maine has already identified several more technical fixes for the new legislation that I hope Congress will address.

“Talk about legislation making a difference. Thanks to Senator Collins, Chairman Rubio, and our other Senate colleagues who have helped make this program a success, the PPP has delivered more than half a trillion dollars in relief and has literally saved tens of millions of American jobs.

“So as we continue to stay nimble and continue our efforts, I just had to again thank and recognize the architects of this historic program — the senior senators for Maine and for Florida — for helping soften the blow of this pandemic for so many American families.”

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