
McConnell On Second Assassination Attempt Against President Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the assassination attempt against President Trump:

“It’s dismaying to begin another week with news of an assassination attempt against a former President.

“We certainly are all grateful once again that the worst outcome was avoided.

“This ought to be a moment of soul-searching for all Americans. It’s a time to reflect on the ways that our political process has been infected by reprehensible violence.

“In America, our democracy flows from the ballot box. Not from the barrel of a gun. Period.

“In the meantime, for the second time in as many months, law enforcement faces an even more urgent task: completing a thorough, swift, and transparent investigation into the circumstances of yesterday’s close call. 

“The American people deserve answers. They deserve assurance that a former President who tens of millions of Americans have nominated once again will receive every appropriate measure of security. And they ought to receive them without delay.”
