
McConnell on Ongoing Hurricane Ian

‘The whole country continues our vigil for the people of Florida who are hunkered down through Hurricane Ian… The Senate will stand ready to provide further assistance if needed. The government funding legislation before us will make sure the Disaster Relief Fund is refilled.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Hurricane Ian:

“The whole country continues our vigil for the people of Florida who are hunkered down through Hurricane Ian.

“The storm’s landfall yesterday brought surging seas and sustained winds over 150 miles an hour.

“2.5 million Florida families and businesses are reportedly without power. Evacuation orders have been in place for more than 2 million residents of the Gulf coast.

“The extent of the damage has barely even begun to come into focus.

“Fortunately, the coordinated state and local response led by Governor DeSantis and supported by federal agencies is ongoing. Yesterday our two colleagues from Florida led the state’s entire Congressional delegation in asking President Biden to issue a Major Disaster Declaration and unlock further aid. I understand the President agreed this morning.

“The Senate will stand ready to provide further assistance if needed. The government funding legislation before us will make sure the Disaster Relief Fund is refilled.

“And most immediately, Floridians remain at the forefront of the nation’s prayers.”
