
McConnell Honors Departing Senate Bill Clerk Sara Schwartzman

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor thanking Sara Schwartzman for her years of Senate service:

“When the Senate does adjourn for the holidays, we’ll also bid farewell to a talented Senate staff leader who’s kept our institution running.

“Sara Schwartzman is one of the Senate’s finest.

“Sara’s been a familiar face — around the Senate and on the dais — for more than a decade. And the most visible parts of her work as the Senate’s bill clerk have certainly made her ‘C-SPAN famous.’

“For years, she was among the foremost experts on the pronunciation of ‘Mr. Alexander…’ More recently, she’s become well practiced in the delivery of ‘Ms. Baldwin…’

“But Sara’s speaking role barely scratches the surface of her crucial responsibilities as bill clerk.

“Day in and day out, she and her team are the traffic cops for mountains of legislative text and amendments.

“Sara tracks the paper and the records. Before the Senate can formally pass anything, it has to make a stop at her desk.

“And as if these core duties weren’t enough to keep even the most meticulous multitasker busy, Sara has generously made herself available to folks throughout the institution as an informal resource.

“Bill status? Procedural hurdles? Sara’s encyclopedic expertise has been just a phone call away.

“It’s safe to say her colleagues will miss this other sort of Senate ‘hotline’!

“As for Sara, one might worry that someone whose job is a part of every late night vote and weekend session would struggle to fill her newfound free time. But I understand that in this case, the Senate’s loss is another storied institution’s gain. Sara is leaving Washington but staying in public service, working in an exciting role with NASA.

“So, Sara – thank you for your years of service, and good luck in the exciting chapters ahead.”


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