
McConnell: Democrats Choose Summer of Show Votes Over Urgent Business

‘Congress has real work in front of us. Some of which really should be behind us by now - from the National Defense Authorization Act to the Farm Bill to annual appropriations… the American people sent us here to do a job. And a show-vote summer can’t hide the fact that Senate Democrats’ majority isn’t earning its keep.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Senate business:

“The Senate is preparing to leave town for the August state work period. But there’s no mistaking that our most important business here in Washington remains unfinished.

“Let’s take a look at how the Senate has spent its summer so far. 

“In June, the Democratic Leader called up a series of show votes, spending precious floor time on what Senate Democrats seem to have thought would be political home-runs. Instead, they gave Republicans the opportunity to reiterate our support for Americans hoping to start families.

“If June was the month of fear-mongering, July was the month of giving unqualified nominees lifetime promotions to the federal bench.

“Take Nancy Maldonado, unfortunately now a federal judge on the 7th Circuit. This is a judge infamous for letting her work pile up and blaming her clerks for her lack of time management. It’s particularly ironic that Senate Democrats chose to procrastinate on their most urgent responsibilities by confirming a nominee with a nearly unparalleled record of judicial procrastination.

“Congress has real work in front of us. Some of which really should be behind us by now – from the National Defense Authorization Act to the Farm Bill to annual appropriations.

“Our colleagues on the Armed Services Committee reported the NDAA by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote over a month ago. But so far, the Democratic Leader hasn’t come close to putting this must-pass authorizing legislation right here on the floor.

“Of course, urgent national security priorities won’t fund themselves, either. The Senate hasn’t cleared a defense appropriations bill, or any other government funding, for that matter.

“Well, at least FY 25 appropriations have been written. The Farm Bill that’s supposed to help America’s growers and producers succeed doesn’t even exist yet. Apparently, it’s just a twinkle in Chair Stabenow’s eye.

“Mr. President, the American people sent us here to do a job. And a show-vote summer can’t hide the fact that Senate Democrats’ majority isn’t earning its keep.”


Related Issues: Farm Bill, Appropriations, NDAA