
McConnell Continues Tribute to Congressman John Lewis on the Senate Floor

‘Today, as we speak, the United States Congress confers a rare and high honor on a national hero who richly deserves it.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor paying tribute to Congressman John Lewis (D-GA):

“Today, as we speak, the United States Congress confers a rare and high honor on a national hero who richly deserves it.

“Our distinguished late colleague, Congressman John Lewis, is lying in state in the Rotunda.

“I had the honor to speak at this afternoon’s ceremony. How amazing, to reflect on John’s incredible American life.

“It began deep in the segregated South, ran through lunch counters in Nashville, jail cells in Mississippi, across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and brought him to the halls of Congress.

“He made heroic contributions to our nation’s march toward racial justice. He also brought an unforgettable example of moral urgency, respect, and love to Washington that left an impact on everyone he met.

“His example will be missed here in the Capitol. It will be remembered forever by a grateful nation.

“Because as far as I am concerned, it is not really the rest of us in Congress who are conveying an honor upon John Lewis today. Not this time.

“Rather, it is John who is bringing greater honor to us, to this Capitol, with his presence — one final time.”

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