
Leader McConnell on Courtney Elwood

‘In her role at the CIA, Elwood will be tasked with providing sound legal advice to Director Pompeo, ensuring accountability at the agency as a whole, and overseeing a number of priorities that are key to supporting our nation’s intelligence community.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the nominee for General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Courtney Elwood:

“Today we will confirm Courtney Elwood, the nominee for General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency. As Chairman Burr pointed out at her hearing, Mrs. Elwood has an impressive legal background. She graduated from Yale Law School before clerking under Chief Justice William Rehnquist on the Supreme Court, and she served as a former adviser to both Vice President Cheney and President Bush as well as to the Attorney General.

“In her role at the CIA, Elwood will be tasked with providing sound legal advice to Director Pompeo, ensuring accountability at the agency as a whole, and overseeing a number of priorities that are key to supporting our nation’s intelligence community.  Her nomination has already earned bipartisan support, and I’m sure that once she’s confirmed, she’ll serve her country well in this new role.”

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