
Leader McConnell Congratulates Senator Collins on 7,000 Senate Votes

‘During the vote we just concluded, our distinguished colleague, the senior Senator for Maine cast her 7,000th roll call vote. It’s a tremendous milestone for Senator Collins which bears witness to her dedication to this work and, most especially, to the people of Maine. And it’s even more impressive than that. This wasn’t just Senator Collins’s 7,000th vote. It was her 7,000th consecutive vote. From the moment she was sworn in, she has not missed one single vote.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor congratulating Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) on casting her 7,000th roll call vote in the Senate:  

“I need to take just a moment to recognize a remarkable event that this institution was fortunate to witness a few minutes ago. During the vote we just concluded, our distinguished colleague, the senior Senator for Maine cast her 7,000th roll call vote. It’s a tremendous milestone for Senator Collins which bears witness to her dedication to this work and, most especially, to the people of Maine.

“And it’s even more impressive than that. This wasn’t just Senator Collins’s 7,000th vote. It was her 7,000th consecutive vote. From the moment she was sworn in, she has not missed one single vote. Difficulties with travel, or bad weather? She plans around them. Personal challenges? She adapts and overcomes. Other priorities, like political events or speaking engagements? All that takes a back seat to her day job.

“No sick days. No getting caught in meetings. No losing track of time in committee. No excuses. Just days, and months, and years of peerless preparation and remarkable dedication to her Senate duties — and to the Mainers she is so proud to represent. It’s the same focus on public service that Senator Collins learned from her parents, Donald and Patricia, who each had a turn as mayor of Caribou, Maine, among other achievements.

“We know our friend Senator Collins deeply admires her predecessor, Senator Margaret Chase Smith, another legendary Maine Republican. Among other achievements, she stood boldly against McCarthyism and insisted on independent thought and fair treatment. But as remarkable as Senator Margaret Chase Smith was, Senator Collins has surpassed her distinguished predecessor in at least one way. Senator Smith’s own impressive string of consecutive votes ended just shy of 3,000. Senator Collins has 7,000 and counting.

“Always prepared, always thoroughly well-informed — and always present. That’s what today’s milestone tells us. And that’s exactly who Senator Collins is, every single day. She’s a valued colleague; she’s a friend; and, frankly, she’s an inspiration. Thank goodness she isn’t stopping anytime soon.”

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