
Jeff Sessions: An Attorney General for All Americans

‘In his home state, he’s fought against the forces of hate. In the Senate, he’s developed a record of advocacy for crime victims but also for the fair and humane treatment of those who break our laws, both when they are sentenced and when they are incarcerated.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the upcoming confirmation vote on Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General:

“We came together yesterday to confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, so she can get to work improving our schools and putting students first.

“We’ll come together to confirm Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services, so he can get to work helping provide relief from Obamacare and stabilizing the health-care markets. 

“We’ll come together to confirm Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury too, so he can get to work continuing the President’s efforts to relieve the regulatory pressure on America’s economy and American job creation.

“We’ll also come together later today to confirm a new Attorney General.  We all know our colleague from Alabama.  He’s honest.  He’s fair.  He’s been a friend to many of us, on both sides of the aisle.

“It’s been tough to watch all this good man has been put through in recent weeks.  This is a well-qualified colleague with a deep reverence for the law. He believes strongly in the equal application of it to everyone. In his home state, he’s fought against the forces of hate. In the Senate, he’s developed a record of advocacy for crime victims but also for the fair and humane treatment of those who break our laws, both when they are sentenced and when they are incarcerated. 

“Jeff Sessions has worked across the aisle on important initiatives. He is, in the words of former Democratic vice-Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman, ‘an honorable and trustworthy person, a smart and good lawyer, and a thoughtful and open-minded listener,’ someone who ‘will be a principled, fair, and capable Attorney General.’

“Our colleague wants to be an Attorney General for all Americans. Later today we’ll vote to give him that chance. I’ll have more to say about our friend and colleague at that time.”

Related Issues: Nominations