
Following Productive State Work Period, Senate Back to Work

‘Over the past couple of weeks Senators have had the opportunity to travel their states, meet with those they represent, and talk about issues that matter most to their communities. It was a productive state work period…So I’d like to welcome back my colleagues as we head into what is sure to be a busy work period.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding confirmation votes for Sonny Perdue to be Secretary of Agriculture and Rod Rosenstein to be Deputy Attorney General:


“Over the past couple of weeks Senators have had the opportunity to travel their states, meet with those they represent, and talk about issues that matter most to their communities. I think I speak on behalf of each of my colleagues when I say this is one of the most important aspects of our jobs. Hearing from those we represent and engaging in discussions about the issues they face allows us to better serve as their voices in the Senate.

“It was a productive state work period, and I know we’re all eager to get back to work here in Washington on many important issues. So I’d like to welcome back my colleagues as we head into what is sure to be a busy work period.

“As we all know, bipartisan talks continued through the state work period on the way forward on government funding legislation. Those discussions continue this week so we can complete our work there soon. And today we will have the opportunity to advance two well-qualified administration nominees.

“In just a couple of hours, we will vote to confirm former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to be our next Secretary of Agriculture. Governor Perdue — who grew up on a farm, worked as a veterinarian, and eventually led a state with a $74 billion agricultural sector — has been around agriculture his entire life. He is well-qualified to oversee and implement this nation’s agriculture, forestry, and food policies. Because of his more than 20 years of public service, Governor Perdue has garnered significant bipartisan backing and was reported out of committee with near unanimous support.

“This is good news for our country, and it’s good news for my home state of Kentucky.

“Kentucky has a strong heritage of agriculture, which plays an invaluable role in our economy. From traditional cash crops like corn and soybeans to groundbreaking innovations like industrial hemp, Kentuckians continue to be on the forefront of agriculture with cutting-edge research and quality products. In addition, Kentucky is recognized as the world capital of both bourbon and horses. These industries contribute to the state’s economy and tourism. As the world turns to the Commonwealth for the 143rd Kentucky Derby, our agricultural sector will be on full display.

“I look forward to voting to confirm Governor Perdue later today, just as I look forward to working with him to continue developing smart agricultural policies that support both Kentucky and our country. Then we will take a vote to advance the nomination of Rod Rosenstein to serve as our Deputy Attorney General.

“Rod Rosenstein was confirmed to his current position as the U.S. attorney for the District of Maryland by a voice vote. He was nominated to that position by President Bush and retained it under President Obama throughout President Obama’s entire term in office.

“He comes to the Senate with the recommendation of Democrats like our former colleague Senator Mikulski and Maryland’s Democratic Attorney General, who said that, ‘Rod Rosenstein would be an outstanding Deputy Attorney General.’ Rosenstein has earned so much bipartisan support to serve as the Deputy AG that the Judiciary Committee reported out his nomination with all but one member voting in the affirmative. So clearly, there is no need to force additional procedural hurdles on this nominee. And yet, our colleagues across the aisle have decided to force an unnecessary cloture vote on his nomination anyway. It’s the latest in a long pattern this year of needless Democrat obstruction that is not intended to change a result, just delay for delay’s sake. I urge our Democratic friends to reconsider what they are doing.

“Mr. Rosenstein is a highly qualified nominee. He’s well respected across the political spectrum and within the legal and law enforcement communities. He should be confirmed without further delay.”

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