
Democrat Obstruction on Nominations ‘Has Got To Stop’

‘President Trump should be commended for his strong judicial picks. The Senate is going to keep working hard to confirm them. And we’re going to succeed. The only question is whether Democrats are going to keep wasting more of the Senate’s time getting there. I hope they won’t. I hope they’ll end these pointless games so the Senate can keep its time and its focus where it belongs.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding Democrat obstruction of the president’s judicial nominees:

“I’d like to again commend President Trump for the outstanding judicial nominees he’s sent us this year. So far, every nominee we’ve brought to the floor has been confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate.

“In some cases, those majority votes have been bipartisan and massive. Like 95 to 1. Like 97 to 0. And yet, almost every time a judicial nominee is brought to the floor — even nominees with votes like these, nominees that both parties support — Democrats throw up partisan procedural roadblocks. For what reason — to change an outcome? No. Like I said, in many cases Democrats actually support these nominees. They’re just wasting more of the Senate’s time because they can. They’re doing it again now.

“Take the two judicial nominees currently before the Senate. First, there’s Scott Palk. After nearly two decades as a state and federal prosecutor, Mr. Palk has the legal skill and community support to excel as a U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Oklahoma. The Senate Judiciary Committee strongly approved his nomination by a large, bipartisan vote of 17-3.

“Then, there’s Trevor McFadden. Mr. McFadden’s sterling record of public service makes him an ideal candidate for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Not a single member of either party opposed him. Both of these gentlemen should have sailed to confirmation yesterday. Instead, Democrats are forcing us to waste time so we can arrive at the exact same conclusion later this week. This has got to stop.

“In President Obama’s first year in office, Republicans forced this procedural hurdle for a single judicial nominee — and it was a controversial one. In President Trump’s first year in office, Democrats have forced this procedural hurdle for every single judicial nominee, save one — even if they actually support him or her in the end. This is just the kind of partisan game that Americans are so sick of.

“President Trump should be commended for his strong judicial picks. The Senate is going to keep working hard to confirm them. And we’re going to succeed.  The only question is whether Democrats are going to keep wasting more of the Senate’s time getting there. I hope they won’t. I hope they’ll end these pointless games so the Senate can keep its time and its focus where it belongs. 

Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Nominations