
Days of Remembrance

‘The scars of the Holocaust continue to run deep in the sinew of our history and of our humanity. It must never be repeated. It must never be forgotten. And, today, the President of the strongest nation in the world will again join with Survivors in the Capitol Rotunda to help ensure it never is.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor prior to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Days of Remembrance ceremony in the United States Capitol:


“Many decades ago, historic tragedy befell a continent and unimaginable horror visited a people. Behind cold steel gates and within huddled boxcars, man’s capacity for cruelty reached grim new frontiers. An inhuman campaign of extermination by an inhuman regime not only took aim at the Jewish people but also tore deep at the collective bonds of our humanity.

“The scars of the Holocaust continue to run deep in the sinew of our history and of our humanity. It must never be repeated. It must never be forgotten. And, today, the President of the strongest nation in the world will again join with Survivors in the Capitol Rotunda to help ensure it never is.  

“Today’s Days of Remembrance ceremony serves as yet another reminder of the immeasurable suffering inflicted upon millions of innocent men, women, and children during the Holocaust — especially the Jewish people. It also serves as a reminder of our responsibility as free people to stand against evil and defend those who are persecuted.” 

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