
Continued Progress on Appropriations

‘Let’s keep this momentum going. I hope the collaborative, bipartisan approach that Chairman Shelby, Senator Leahy, and our subcommittee chairmen have brought to the appropriations process will continue to characterize our progress here on the floor, as well. With continued hard work and steady cooperation, we can achieve our shared goal of funding our government through regular appropriations.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Senate’s bipartisan work on appropriations:

“While Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination has filled up the headlines this week, the Senate’s continued to attend to important legislation. Yesterday, the Senate voted to proceed to conference with the House on the first three of this year’s appropriations bills. I understand the conferees are planning to meet as soon as today.

“The day before, we voted to go to conference on this year’s defense authorization bill. And soon, we’ll do the same with respect to the farm bill. I am proud that we’re continuing to deliver on our commitment to bring regular order back to the appropriations process, along with attending to the needs of our armed forces and confirming more of the president’s nominees.

“Let’s keep this momentum going. I hope the collaborative, bipartisan approach that Chairman Shelby, Senator Leahy, and our subcommittee chairmen have brought to the appropriations process will continue to characterize our progress here on the floor, as well. With continued hard work and steady cooperation, we can achieve our shared goal of funding our government through regular appropriations process.”

Related Issues: Appropriations