
Bipartisan Defense Bill Will Ensure Military Readiness

‘This moment requires that we support our all-volunteer armed forces with the tools, training, equipment, and resources they need to support our allies, defend the homeland, and secure the peace. Secretary Mattis’s new National Defense Strategy spells out what our nation must do… And now, with this NDAA, Congress will take the next step towards getting those resources where they need to be.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the John S. McCain 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

“This morning, I was honored to meet a number of Kentucky veterans at the World War II Memorial and welcome them to Washington. My father fought in World War II. So I was particularly grateful to hear these veterans’ stories and share in their special moment of remembrance. I thanked each of them, as well as the Honor Flight Bluegrass organization, which takes on the logistical and financial burden so veterans can travel to their monuments at no personal cost.

“I was especially glad this opportunity came today, on the 74th anniversary of the Allied invasion at Normandy. On June 6th, 1944, the free world embarked on a daring mission of historic proportions. With conviction, bravery, and patriotism, the Greatest Generation ran into the breach. Many paid the ultimate price on D-Day. But their bravery paved the road to victory in Europe. Allied troops stared down the most pernicious evil the modern world had ever seen -- and prevailed.

“The world has changed in the years since D-Day. But some things haven’t changed. We still honor the sacrifices of those who ran into the breach. Today, the president will sign into law the VA MISSION Act that Congress passed last month. It’s a set of major improvements to the way we care for America’s veterans -- increasing their choices and expanding access to care for those who’ve sacrificed to serve.

“Here’s something else that hasn’t changed: We still call on brave men and women to take on a wide array of difficult missions. Soon, the Senate will take up the John S. McCain 2019 National Defense Authorization Act.

“It’s the result of months of serious, bipartisan work by the Armed Services Committee. And it’s a major step toward delivering the resources our men and women in uniform need to tackle the challenges of today. Challenges like an emboldened Iran, and the destabilizing forces it abets in the Middle East. Challenges like the expanding capabilities of Russia and China in this era of renewed great power competition.

“This moment requires that we support our all-volunteer armed forces with the tools, training, equipment, and resources they need to support our allies, defend the homeland, and secure the peace. Secretary Mattis’s new National Defense Strategy spells out what our nation must do. Our landmark budget agreement earlier this year set aside the funds our servicemembers will require to put that plan into action.

“And now, with this NDAA, Congress will take the next step towards getting those resources where they need to be. Its authorizations include quality-of-life improvements for servicemembers and their families, improved capabilities for land, sea and air weapons systems, and reforms to the acquisitions process to keep America’s military on the cutting edge. With bipartisan action on the NDAA, the Senate will ensure that the next generation of American warfighters is every bit as ready as the Greatest Generation to write a new chapter of courageous service.”

Related Issues: America's Military, NDAA