
Bipartisan, Bicameral Agreement Reached on Border Security, Government Funding

‘When the Senate votes on the agreement, we’ll be voting to avoid a second partial shutdown and provide the certainty of a fully-functioning federal government. We’ll be voting to deliver another down payment on the president’s commitment to securing our nation’s borders and keeping American communities safe. And we’ll do it free from the influence of poison pills that sought to derail progress and stifle compromise.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the need to secure our border and fund the government:

“Last night, our colleagues Chairman Shelby and Ranking Member Leahy filed the final text of a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agreement. For the past couple weeks, in conference with their House counterparts, they’ve worked in good faith to reach a compromise to address urgent priorities, including funding for our nation’s border security.

“The product of this work is a compromise that no side will view as a perfect deal. For instance, I am frustrated by House Democrats’ cynical opposition to including common-sense extensions of the Violence Against Women Act and other important items. Nevertheless, this agreement is something both sides should view as an important step. And today, I hope we will vote to advance it.

“When the Senate votes on the agreement, we’ll be voting to avoid a second partial shutdown and provide the certainty of a fully-functioning federal government. We’ll be voting to deliver another down payment on the president’s commitment to securing our nation’s borders and keeping American communities safe. And we’ll do it free from the influence of poison pills that sought to derail progress and stifle compromise.

“To be sure, in recent months we’ve seen the radical left go out of its way to try and gum up the works. Even the Speaker of the House threw her support behind wild assertions that tried-and-true methods of securing sovereign borders were now immoral. They said there wouldn’t be more than one dollar for border barriers. They said there should be fewer tools for the men and women who enforce our immigration laws. Fortunately, none of that nonsense has carried the day. So here we are, with a solid deal in front of us.

“As the Senate prepares to vote later today, I want to extend my personal thanks once more to Chairman Shelby, along with Ranking Member Leahy and my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee. This legislation will mark success for our bipartisan process by finalizing all the regular appropriations for the fiscal year. Thanks, as well, go to Shannon Hines and the entire appropriations staff, whose hard work made this agreement and all of last year’s progress possible. Later today, I hope each of my colleagues will join me in moving forward with the agreement produced by this hard work and that the president will sign it into law.”

Related Issues: Appropriations, Homeland Security, Immigration